1. I am amazed by the people of this valley,
And their turning away from the Prophet of clear descriptions.
١. وَلَقَد عَجِبتُ لِأَهلِ هذا الطائِفِ
وَصُدودِهِم عَن ذا النَبِيِّ الواصِفِ
2. There is no discrepancy in what he says from God,
He speaks with the speech of the Knower.
٢. وَمِن الإِلهِ فَلا يُرى في قَولِهِ
خُلفٌ وَيَنطِقُ بِالكَلامِ العارِفِ
3. If Thaqif does not hasten repentance,
And turns away from the ways of the upright path,
٣. فَلَئِن ثَقيفٌ لَم تُعَجِّل تَوبَةً
وَتَصُدُّ عَن سَنَنِ الطَريقِ الجانِفِ
4. Their homes will wake in the morning
To the neighing of mounted warriors in armor.
٤. لَتُصَبَّحَنَّ غُواتُهُم في دارِهِم
مِنّا بِأَرعَنَ ذي زُهاءٍ زاحِفِ
5. The warriors on steeds are like lions
That prowled in the morning of a gloomy day,
٥. فيهِ الكُماةُ عَلى الجِيادِ كَأَنَّهُم
أُسدٌ غَدَونَ غَداةَ دَجنٍ واكِفِ
6. Until every infidel among them is routed,
Avoiding the paths of guidance, stubbornly deviant.
٦. حَتّى تُدَوِّخَ كُلَّ أَبلَجَ مِنهُمُ
مُتَجَنِّبٍ سُبُلَ الهُدى مُتَجانِفِ
7. Calling to the paths of misguidance, defying
The paths of guidance and truth without changing course,
٧. يَدعو إِلى سُبُلِ الضَلالِ مُخالِفٍ
سُبُلَ الهُدى لِلحَقِّ غَيرِ مُصارِفِ
8. Or they will perish like the perishing of Aad before them
By a roaring wind, raging and storming.
٨. أَو يَهلَكوا كَهَلاكِ عادٍ قَبلَهُم
بِهُبوبِ ريحٍ ذاتِ سافٍ عاصِفِ
9. Or they will believe in Muhammad and exalt
The Owner of the Throne - no believer opposes Him.
٩. أَو يُؤمِنوا بِمُحَمَّدٍ وَيُكَبِّروا
ذا العَرشِ ما إِن مُؤمِنٌ كَمُخالِفِ
10. The heart suffers to see misguidance as gain
And guidance like a piercing poisoned arrow.
١٠. عاني الفُؤادِ يَرى الضَلالَةَ مَغنَماً
وَيَرى الهُدى كَمَذوفِ سُمٍّ جائِفِ
11. But God grants us victory and Ahmad is among us
Like the full moon, flawless and not waning.
١١. وَاللَهُ يَنصُرُنا وَأَحمَدُ وَسطَنا
كَالبَدرِ أَنصَفَ وَهوَ لَيسَ بِكاسِفِ
12. We will go forth for the command of our Prophet, and He will give us honor,
The Living Book, from the Subtle, Gentle One.
١٢. نَمضي لِأَمرِ نَبِيِّنا وَيُعِزُّنا
وَحيُ الكِتابِ مِنَ الخَبيرِ اللاطِفِ