1. Your love has consumed me with passion's fire,
Though rain has quenched it since you did retire.
١. أَشاقَكَ بِالمَلا دِمَنٌ عَوافِ
عَفاها القَطرُ بَعدَكَ وَالسَوافي
2. Alas, all hearts in this realm wander distraught,
Forever homesick, restless for their desire.
٢. هَفا وَقُلوبُ هذا الخَلقِ طُرّاً
إِلى أَوطانِها أَبَداً هَوافِ
3. On nights when we would gather, all as one,
Naught between us but affection's gentle ties.
٣. لَيالِيَ إِذ نَحُلُّ بِها جَميعاً
وَلَيسَ سِوى المَوَدَّةِ وَالتَصافي
4. Till the Merciful ordained another fate-
Division's breach appeared, fondness devised.
٤. إِلى أَن قَدَّرَ الرَحمَنُ أَمراً
فَأُظهِرَتِ القَطيعَةُ وَالتَجافي
5. The Prophet called the people unto guidance;
From us no dissent did he espy.
٥. دَعا الناسَ النَبِيُّ إِلى رَشادٍ
فَلَم يَرَ فيهِ مِنّا مِن خِلافِ
6. We answered, heeding what he wished of us,
Embracing unity and harmony.
٦. أَجَبناهُ إِلى ما شاءَ مِنّا
فَآوانا إِلى حُسنِ اِئتِلافِ
7. Professing One God, shunning all idols,
False statues of wood, stone, and naïve prize.
٧. إِلى تَوحيدِ خَلّاقِ البَرايا
وَكُفرٍ بِالحِجارَةِ وَاللِخافِ
8. Performing the five prayers and fasting one month,
Paying the alms, no fraction to disguise.
٨. عَلى خَمسِ الصَلاةِ وَصَومِ شَهرٍ
وَإيتاءِ الزَكاةِ بِلا اِقتِفافِ
9. Sheltering the orphan with utmost kindness,
And doing good by kith and kin likewise,
٩. وَإِدناءِ اليَتيمِ بِحُسنِ رِفقٍ
وَبِرٍّ بِالقَرابَةِ وَالقِضافِ
10. This conduct embodies piety and righteousness,
Perfection of chivalry, of dignities.
١٠. وَفي هذا الفِعالِ تُقىً وَبِرٌّ
وَإِكمالُ المَروءَةِ وَالعَفافِ
11. Yet many shunned it, in numbers considerate,
Barred by their blindness from the Merciful's prize.
١١. وَأَدبَرَ عَنهُ أَقوامٌ كَثيرٌ
نَفاهُم عَن تُقى الرَحمنِ نافِ
12. When war was declared, lo, we declared it too,
To absolve our souls from accumulating vice.
١٢. وَقالوا الحَربُ قُلنا الحَربُ أَدنى
لِإِبراءِ النُفوسِ مِنَ اِقتِرافِ
13. Our dawns were stars in darkest night,
As spear-points defined in silhouette's guise.
١٣. صُباحِيّاتُنا كَنُجومِ لَيلٍ
مُحَدَّدَةٌ كَأَطرافِ الأَشافي
14. We brought them death, relentlessly,
None escaped from that mortal enterprise.
١٤. وَساقَيناهُمُ مَوتاً ذُعافاً
فَلَم يَنجوا مِنَ المَوتِ الذُعافِ
15. When they sought to destroy half of us, we avenged
Ourselves upon the foe, complete redress devised.
١٥. وَراموا النِصفَ مِنّا فَاِنتَصَفنا
مِنَ الأَعداءِ أَبلَغَ ما اِنتِصافِ
16. We blamed them when they blamed us first,
With swords white as palm-shoots, keen and concise.
١٦. وَأَعتَبناهُمُ إِذِ اَعتَبونا
ببيضِ الهِندِ وَالسُمرِ القِضافِ
17. Spear-shafts of Rudainah's making, their destiny sealed,
As the horsemen's pillars thrust forth in swift enterprise.
١٧. رِماحٌ مِن رُدَينَةُ ما اِستُجيبَت
مُقاماتُ المُتونِ عَلى النِقافِ
18. The excellent arrows of Qais scatter all troubles,
Repulsing the flimsy quivered missiles of rivals.
١٨. وَخَيراتُ القِسِيِّ تُطيرُ عَنّا
رِشاقَ المُقعَدِيّاتِ الخِفافِ
19. Whenever they approach, we turn to confront them,
Rushing to meet their advance, no surprise.
١٩. إِذا اِزدَلَفوا لَنا يَوماً دَلَفنا
إِلى هاماتِهِم أَيَّ اِزدِلافِ
20. We deposit their heads as prizes for our maidens,
To recompense suitors at the marriage-feast's height.
٢٠. فَأَودَعنا رُؤوسَهُمُ ذُكوراً
نَقُدُّ بِها إِلى حَجَفِ الشَغافِ
21. We gained double the losses they inflicted,
No equality this, nor even disguise!
٢١. أَصَبنا ضِعفَ ما كانوا أَصابوا
وَلَيسَ عَلى السَواءِ وَلا التَكافي
22. So the Muslims retired to Gardens serene,
Quenched by pure wine and the houris' delight.
٢٢. فَآبَ المُسلِمونَ إِلى جِنانٍ
يُسَقَّونَ العُضارِسَ بِالسُلافِ
23. While the pagans retired to scalding liquors,
Boiling with venom, an evil device.
٢٣. وَراحَ المُشرِكونَ إِلى شَرابٍ
حَميمٍ شيبَ بِالسُمِّ المُذافِ
24. We emerged as victors with these and those spoils,
The finest garb and the fairest prize.
٢٤. وَأُبنا غانِمينَ بِذا وَهذا
حَوالي خَيرِ مُنتَعِلٍ وَحافِ