
Congratulations, may God increase your bounty,

هنيئاً زادك الرحمن خيراً

1. Congratulations, may God increase your bounty,
For you have attained your vengeance, O Bilal!

١. هَنيئاً زادَكَ الرَحمنُ خَيراً
فَقَد أَدرَكتَ ثَأرَكَ يا بِلالُ

2. Neither weak nor cowardly were you found,
When the long swords quenched their thirst at dawn.

٢. فَلا نِكساً وُجِدتَ وَلا جَباناً
غَداةَ تَنوشُكَ الأَسَلُ الطِوالُ

3. When men retreat, you stand firm until
You join what made those men retreat and withdraw.

٣. إِذا هابَ الرِجالُ ثَبَتَّ حَتّى
تُخالِطَ أَنتَ ما هابَ الرِجالُ

4. With a Mashrafi sword, despite the piercing blades,
He bared the edges of its polished hilt.

٤. عَلى مَضَضِ الكُلومِ بِمَشرَفِيٍّ
جَلا أَطرافَ مَتنَيهِ الصِقالُ