1. O Lord, nothing is feared or harms
When hearts are weary of it
١. يا رُبَّ ما يُخشى وَلا يَضيرُ
شَيئاً وَقَد ضاقَت بِهِ الصُدورُ
2. How many small minds are great
And how many great minds are small
٢. كَم مِن صَغيرٍ عَقلُهُ كَبيرُ
وَمِن كَبيرٍ عَقلُهُ صَغيرُ
3. In oceans, oceans drown
And Allah is my Lord, the Capable One
٣. وَفي البُحورِ تَغرَقُ البُحورُ
وَاللَهُ رَبّي واحِدٌ قَديرُ
4. Things go as He wills them to go
He has no advisor in His acts
٤. تَجري كَما يَشاؤُهُ الأُمورُ
لَيسَ لَهُ في فِعلِهِ مُشيرُ
5. And time does not change His being
From His easy and difficult decree
٥. وَلا تُغَيِّرُ كَونَهُ الدُهورُ
عَن أَمرِهِ المَيسورُ وَالمَعسورُ