
O You who called us to a call unfinished,

يا من دعانا دعوة لم تتم

1. O You who called us to a call unfinished,
You have excelled, indeed, in painful deeds,

١. يا مَن دَعانا دَعوةً لَم تُتم
أَبدَعتَ جِدّاً في الفَعالِ الألأمِ

2. And built of righteousness and generosity,
It would have sufficed us little sustenance,

٢. وَبِنتَ عَن بِرٍّ وَعَن تَكَرُّمِ
قَد كانَ يَكفينا يَسيرُ المَطعَمِ

3. And a meal of tender roasted meat,
And a piece of Your forbidden bread,

٣. وَجبَةُ ظَبيٍ ناعِمٍ مُختَزم
وَكِسَرٌ مِن خُبزِكَ المُحرّمِ

4. And a cup of water from a leather bag,
But you shunned providing morsels,

٤. وَكُوزُ ماءٍ مِن قراحٍ شَبمِ
لَكِن جَبنتَ عَن طِراد اللُقَمِ

5. And said to the guest with mouth wide open,
A toothache I know well from Akhzam.

٥. وَقُلتَ لِلضَيفِ اِنكِباباً لِلفَمِ
شَنشَنةٌ أَعرِفُها مِن أَخزَمِ