
I complained of love to him, desiring his cure

شكوت إليه الحب أبغي شفاءه

1. I complained of love to him, desiring his cure
The heat of my insides with the coldness of his rain

١. شَكَوتُ إِلَيهِ الحُبَّ أَبغي شِفاءَه
حَرارَةَ أَحشائي بِبَردِ رُضابِه

2. Yet he was miserly in his giving, though death was hastened
So I feigned acceptance, pretending to be pleased with him

٢. فَجادَ بِبُخلٍ وَهوَ مَوتٌ مُعَجَّلٌ
فَابدَيتُ مُرتاداً رِضاهُ الرضا بِه