
I awoke in comfort and prosperity,

غدوت بخيرة ورخاء حال

1. I awoke in comfort and prosperity,
Yet departed in sorrow and gloom.

١. غَدوتُ بِخيرَةٍ وَرَخاءِ حالِ
وَرُحتُ بِحَسرَةٍ وَكُسوفِ بالِ

2. I was pained that evil should come
From one whose company I kept in good faith.

٢. وَأَحرَ بِأَن تَنالَ السُوءُ مِمَّن
تُصاحِبُ حُسنَ ظَنٍّ بِاللَيالي

3. I was heedless of time
As its vicissitudes and events turned against me.

٣. غَفِلتُ عَنِ الزَمانِ وَقَد تَراءَت
نَوائِبُهُ وَحادِثُ صَرفِها لِي

4. Regret availed me naught when it seized me,
For its ropes had bound my ropes.

٤. فَما نَفَعَ التَحَسُّر إِذ دَهاني
وَقَد عَلِقَت حَبائِلُهُ حِبالي

5. Its events toyed with me, and with dignity
And men it toyed step by step.

٥. تَلاعبُ بي حَوادِثُهُ وقِدماً
تَلاعَبُ بِالكِرامِ وَبِالرِجالِ

6. Thus time is peace for some people at times,
And at times their war on an arena of contention.

٦. كَذاكَ الدَهرُ طَوراً سلمُ ناسٍ
وَطَوراً حَربُهُم يَومَ السِجالِ

7. So patience during tribulations is a treasure
By which you attain the best outcome.

٧. فَصَبراً في النَوائِبِ فَهوَ ذُخرٌ
تَؤولُ بِهِ إِلى خَيرِ المآلِ

8. Perhaps God will soon set things right,
For the unraveling of knots is not hard for Him.

٨. لَعَلَّ اللَهَ يَصنَعُ عَن قَريبٍ
فَلَيسَ يُؤودُهُ حَلُّ العِقالِ

9. You will then be saved from the turns of an evil time,
Like a sword cleansed with polishing.

٩. فَتخلصُ مِن صُروفِ زَمانِ سُوءٍ
خَلاصَ السَيفِ حودث بِالصِقالِ

10. Troubles will recede, giving way to joy,
As the new moon's emergence follows darkness.

١٠. وَتَنكَشِفُ المَكارِهُ عَن سُرورٍ
كَما اِنكَشَفَ السرارُ عَنِ الهِلالِ