
O my joy, with an eloquent gift,

يا سروري بنيل تحفة خل

1. O my joy, with an eloquent gift,
True friend, worthy of praise,

١. يا سُروري بِنَيلِ تُحفَةٍ خِلٍّ
صادِقِ الوُّدِّ بِالثَناءِ جَديرِ

2. Guiding melodies freshly reached my hearing,
Gliding in elegance and splendor.

٢. مِن هدى زُفّت إِلى السَمعِ بكرٍ
تَتَهادى في حِليَةٍ وَشُذورِ

3. Delight of the heart, charm of the eye in truth,
Marvel for the ear, from the daughters of conscience,

٣. بُشرَةُ القَلبِ نُزهَةُ الطَرفِ حَقّاً
بِدعَةُ السَمعِ مِن بَناتِ الضَميرِ

4. Her languor in darkness from his ardent love,
Impregnable, not like one downcast.

٤. خِدرُها في السَوادِ مِن حُبِّه القَل
بَ مَنيعُ الجَنابِ لا كَالخُدورِ

5. Her dowry to be humbled by generosity and giving,
Not to be guarded like some possession.

٥. مَهرُها أَن تُذالَ بِالبَذلِ وَالنَش
رِ وَأَن لا تُصانَ لا كَالمُهورِ

6. Composed with eloquence and meanings,
Like strung pearls atop the throat.

٦. نُظِمَت مِن بَلاغَةٍ وَمَعانٍ
مِثلَ نَظمِ العُقودِ فَوقَ النُحورِ

7. Borne by inspirations made permssible,
Each sweet, measured utterance.

٧. نَتَجَتها خَواطِرٌ قَد أُبيحَت
كُلّ عَذبٍ مِنَ الكَلامِ خَطيرِ

8. Divers seeking out wonders they harvest
As a diver gains in the depths of the seas.

٨. غائِصاتٌ عَلى بَدائِعَ يُزرينَ
بِما نالَ غائِصٌ في البُحورِ

9. So it's as if, having savored it, I sit
Between a garden and pond.

٩. فَكَأَنّي وَقَد تَمَتّعتُ مِنها
جالِسٌ بَينَ رَوضَةٍ وَغَديرٍ

10. How many covenants it reminds me of -
For meeting and days of bliss alike!

١٠. كَم تَذَكّرتُ عِندَها مِن عُهُودٍ
لِلتَلاقي وَظِلِّ عَيشٍ نَضيرِ

11. I blame time, having denied us
A gathering that brings joy together.

١١. فَذَممتُ الزَمانَ إِذ ضَنَّ عَنّا
بِاِجتِماعٍ يَضُّمُ شَملَ السُرورِ

12. And rightly blamed by one it threw
From its intimates, so distant.

١٢. وَحَقيقٌ بِذَمِّهِ مَن رَماهُ
مِن أَخلّائِهِ بِنَأيِ شطورِ

13. Especially in their eyes devoid
Of any doubt, my father Mansur.

١٣. وَخُصوصاً في عَينِهم وَعَديمِ ال
شَكلِ مِن بَينِهم أَبي مَنصورِ

14. He whose affection is that of a gentle companion,
Whose words are those of a joyful herald -

١٤. مَن جَنى وُدّه كَأريٍ مَشورٍ
وَثَنى لَفظه كَلَفظِ بَشيرِ

15. He is the adornment of manners, shedding
From the lantern of eyes the fullness of breasts.

١٥. هُوَ زَينُ الأَدآبِ تَفتَرُّ مِنهُ
عَن سِراجِ العُيونِ مِلءَ الصُدورِ

16. And if time has slighted us with separation,
Familiarity donned the garb of the abandoned.

١٦. وَلَئن راعَنا الزَمانُ بِبَينٍ
أُلبِسَ الأُنسُ ذلّةَ المَهجُورِ

17. May God restore a gathering
Of safety, delight and joy.

١٧. فَعَسى اللَهُ أَن يُعيدَ اِجتِماعاً
في أَمانٍ وَغِبطَةٍ وَسُرورِ

18. He has power to restore what is lost
And facilitate each arduous matter.

١٨. إِنَّهُ قادِرٌ عَلى رَدِّ ما فا
تَ وَتَيسيرِ كُلِّ أَمرٍ عَسيرِ