1. Is there a way to solace and patience?
How, when adversity you have not known before?
١. هَل إِلى سَلوةٍ وَصَبرٍ سَبيلُ
كَيفَ وَالرزءُ ما عَلِمتَ جَليلُ
2. Days have saddened me with the pain
They inflicted, for a dear friend I pine,
٢. فَجعتني الأَيّامُ لَمّا أَلَمّت
بِصَديقٍ وَجدي عَلَيهِ طَويلُ
3. My father al-Qasim, who swore
An oath that he has no equal or peer.
٣. بِأَبي القاسمِ الَّذي أَقسَمَ المَج
دُ يَميناً أَن لَيسَ مِنهُ بَديلُ
4. Of good nature, an adviser and confidante,
Nobility and acceptance were his hallmarks.
٤. حسنُ خَلقٍ وَمَخبرٍ ورُواءٍ
قَد عَلَته قَسامَةٌ وَقَبُولُ
5. He was the haven of loyalty and righteousness; if
An era changes, his love will not waver.
٥. كانَ مَغنى الوَفاء وَالبِرّ إِن حا
لَ زَمانٌ فَوُدُّه ما يَحُولُ
6. He was the adornment of dew in knowledge and
Etiquette, pastures grazed by minds.
٦. كانَ زَينَ النَدى في العِلمِ وال
آدابِ تَرعى رِياضَهُنَّ العُقولُ
7. He was the full moon of guidance, but has set,
He was the sun of truth, but dusk has come.
٧. كانَ بَدرَ النُهى فَحانَ أفُولُ
كانَ شَمسَ الحجى فَحانَ أَصيلُ
8. He was my cave against calamities, in his
Judgement did I seek refuge and protection.
٨. كانَ كَهفي عَلى الحَوادِث ما عا
شَ عَلَيها بِرَأيِهِ أَستَطيلُ
9. My soul yearns for the virtues of a free man,
Snatched to the north, trailing his garments.
٩. لَهفَ نَفسي عَلى شَمائِلِ حُرٍّ
سُحِبَت لِلشَمالِ فيها ذُيولُ
10. How can I find solace for a companion who has
No successor, to give me comfort in his absence?
١٠. كَيفَ أَسلُو عَن صاحِبٍ لَيسَ مِنهُ
خَلفٌ يَشتَفي بِهِ لي غَليلُ
11. Alas! There is no way for me to reach him,
My fate regarding his like is miserly.
١١. لَيسَ هَيهاتَ لي إِلَيهِ سَبيل
إِنَّ دَهري بِمثلِهِ لَبَخيلُ
12. He was graced with reason, wisdom, opinion,
Eloquence and attainment of knowledge.
١٢. زانَهُ العَقلُ وَالحَصافَةُ وَالرَأ
يُ وَحُسنُ البَيانِ وَالتَحصيلُ
13. And chastity that restrained him from the precipice
Of suspicion, when the ignorant is unrestrained.
١٣. وَعَفافٌ يُثنيهِ عَن مَوقِفِ الشَك
كِ إِذا أَطلَقَ العِنانَ الجَهولُ
14. Prosperous, generous, kind during ease,
And righteous, loyal in adversities.
١٤. مسعدٌ في الرَخاءِ سَمحٌ شَفيقٌ
وَلَهُ في النائِباتِ برّ وصولُ
15. A true friend, constant, not fickle,
Not one who dislikes companionship and is aloof.
١٥. صادِقُ الوُدِّ ثابِتٌ لا كَخلٍّ
هُوَ مُستَكرِهُ الإِخاءِ مَلولُ
16. A nature like limpid water, free of
Turbidity, a soul above blemishes and fault.
١٦. خُلُقٌ كَالزلال زَلَّ عَنِ الصَخ
رِ وَنَفسٌ لِلعَيبِ عَنها زَليلُ
17. And avoiding what is blameworthy,
With honor untouched by baseness.
١٧. وَاِجتِنابٌ لِما يُعابُ مِنَ الأَم
رِ وَعَرضٌ مِنَ الدَناءِ صَقيلُ
18. Upholding the Book, drawing lessons
From its revelation and interpretation.
١٨. حافِظٌ لِلكِتابِ يَعنيهِ مِنهُ
رافِداه التَنزيلُ وَالتَأويلُ
19. Persevering in the darkness, guided by
Prayer, its light shines from his face.
١٩. قائِمٌ في الدُجى حَليفُ صَلاةٍ
مِن سَنا وَجهِهِ عَلَيها دَليلُ
20. Who will make consolation beautiful after him?
Thus, to avoid it from him is beautiful.
٢٠. مَن يَكُن بَعدَهُ العَزاءُ جَميلاً
فَاِجتِنابُ العَزاءِ مِنهُ جَميلُ
21. The coffin did not deter him in the grave,
After him did weeping and wailing overwhelm me.
٢١. ما عَلاهُ الصَفيحُ في اللَحدِ حَتّى
غالَني بَعدَهُ البكا وَالعَويلُ
22. What sights and views are not frightening,
Of a dear friend over whom dusty soil settles?
٢٢. أَيّ مَرأى وَمَنظَرٍ لا يَهولُ
مِن خَليلٍ عَلَيهِ تربٌ مَهيلُ
23. What flows from my eyes are not tears,
Rather, my soul melting and pouring forth.
٢٣. لَيسَ ما سالَ مِن جُفونِيَ دَمعاً
هِيَ نَفسي تَذوبُ ثُمَّ تَسيلُ
24. Upon him be the peace of the Lord of the Throne,
Guiding him to the fullness of his grave be Gabriel.
٢٤. فَعَلَيهِ سَلامُ ذي العَرشِ يُهدي
هِ إِلى حَشوِ قَبرِهِ جِبريلُ
25. And may he attain God's mercy in abundance,
To be secured in eternity a guarantor.
٢٥. وَأَتاهُ مِن رَحمَةِ اللَهِ كَفلٌ
هُوَ بِالخُلدِ في الجِنانِ كَفيلُ
26. I was watered with sins, among them bones
For the immensity of sins have no recluse.
٢٦. سُقيت بِالذُنوبِ مِنها عِظامٌ
ما لِعُظمِ الذُنوبِ فيها مَقيلُ
27. And when valleys pour down torrents,
A rain cloud will quench his thirst.
٢٧. وَإِذا جادَتِ الغَوادي بِوَبلٍ
فَسَقاهُ مِنها سَحابٌ مَخيلُ
28. How can one who left behind
Yearning that does not subside and ceaseless pain forget you?
٢٨. كَيفَ يَنساكَ مَن تَرَكتَ عَلَيهِ
حَسرَةً لا تني وَوَجداً يَطولُ