
O Time, how harsh you are, O Time

يا دهر ما أقساك يا دهر

1. O Time, how harsh you are, O Time
No free man has enjoyed success with you

١. يا دَهرُ ما أَقساكَ يا دَهرُ
لَم يَحظَ فيكَ بِطائِلٍ حُرُّ

2. As for the base, you are their companion
And you grant them favor and victory

٢. أَمّا اللّئامُ فَأَنتَ صاحِبُهُم
وَلَهُم لَدَيكَ العَطفُ وَالنَصرُ

3. The base person endures throughout life
His heart undaunted by any mishap

٣. يَبقى اللَئيمُ مَدى الحَياةِ فَلا
يَرتاعُ مِنهُ لِحادِثٍ صَدرُ

4. Life treats him smoothly, without turmoil
And ease obeys his living

٤. تَصفُو لَهُ الدُنيا بِلا كَدَرٍ
وَيُطِيعُهُ في عَيشِهِ اليُسرُ

5. His goals are easy, his star is fortunate
And the branch of his joy is verdant

٥. فَمرامُهُ سَهلٌ وَكَوكَبُهُ
سَعدٌ وَغُصنُ سُرورِهِ نَضرُ

6. While upon the noble you inflict
A bitter, harsh oppression and coercion

٦. وَعَلى الكَريمِ يَدٌ يُسَلِّطُها
مِنكَ الجَفاءُ المُرُّ وَالقَسرُ

7. If he seeks help for a problem, it flees him
And victory and triumph evade him

٧. إِن نابَ خَطبٌ فَهوَ عُرضَتُهُ
يَفريهِ مِنهُ النابُ وَالظِفرُ

8. Or if he seeks a favor from you tomorrow
Some awful event blocks his path

٨. أَو يَبغِ مَعروفاً لَدَيكَ غَداً
يَنحى عَلَيهِ حادِثٌ نُكرُ

9. His pasture is barren, his luck is war
And the side of his life is bare

٩. مَرعاهُ جَدبٌ وَالحُظوظُ لَهُ
حَربٌ وَجانِبُ عَيشِهِ وَعرُ

10. His harvest is thorns, and for him the seas
Are stalled, and the core of his heart embers

١٠. وَجَناهُ شَوكٌ وَالبُحورُ لَهُ
وَشَلٌ وَحَشوُ فُؤادِهِ جَمرُ

11. O Time, cease the injustice to the noble
For they are the necklace at your throat, if only the throat knew

١١. يا دَهرُ دَع ظُلمَ الكِرامِ فَهُم
عَقدٌ لِنَحرِكَ لَو دَرى النَحرُ

12. Greet them in peace, and keep their love
For they are stars in your dark night

١٢. سالِمهُمُ وَاِستَبقِ وُدَّهُمُ
فَهمُ نُجومُ ظَلامِكَ الزهرُ