1. A gazelle to whom I gave my true devotion
Repaid me with rejection and evasion
١. وَغَزالٍ مَنحتَهُ خالِصَ الود
دِ فَجازى بَالصَدِّ وَالاِجتِنابِ
2. I did not blame him for keeping behind a veil
But the Lord of my heart turned me back because of what was in me
٢. لَم أَلُمهُ أَنِ اِتَقّى بِحجابٍ
رَدّني واله الفُؤادِ لِما بي
3. I gave him my soul yet he does not deny the spirit
A retreat from the world with a veil
٣. هَبهُ رُوحي وَلَيسَ يُنكِر لِلرو
حِ تَوارٍ عَنِ الوَرى بِحِجابِ