1. A message came to me from a friend
Words adorned with beautiful rhyme
١. قَد أَتاني مِن صَديقٍ كَلامٌ
كَلآلٍ زانَهُنَّ نِظامُ
2. It brought joy to my heart
A happiness beyond wine's power
٢. فَسَرى في القَلبِ مِني سُرورٌ
مُطرِبٌ يَعجِز عَنهُ المُدامُ
3. Like an old man's delight
Surrounded by his many daughters
٣. مِثلَ ما يَرتاحُ شَيخُ بَناتٍ
حَولَهُ مِن جَمعِهنَّ زِحامُ
4. He prays to God expectantly
For descendants from his line
٤. فَدَعا اللَهَ طَويلاً يُرجّى
خَلَفاً مِن نَسلِهِ لا يُذامُ
5. Then after losing hope a bringer of good news arrived
And said "Rejoice, here is a boy!"
٥. فَأَتاهُ بَعدَ يَأسٍ بَشيرٌ
قالَ يا بُشراي هَذا غُلامُ