
Turn from greed, you grow strong by it

تعز عن الحرص تعزز به

1. Turn from greed, you grow strong by it
Yet in greed lies humiliation and loss

١. تَعَزَّ عَنِ الحِرصِ تَعزُز بِهِ
فَفي الطَمَعِ الذُلُّ وَالمَنقَصَه

2. Never let a need drive you
To one who’s borne misery and distress

٢. وَلا تنزِلَن أَبَداً حاجَة
بِمَن كابَدَ البُؤسَ وَالمَخمَصَه

3. Though he take the wealth of a bright star
And trample the sun at dawn’s first light

٣. وَلَو نالَ نَجم الدُجى ثَروَةً
وَأَوطَأَ شَمسَ الضُحى أَخمَصَه