1. Turn from greed, you grow strong by it
Yet in greed lies humiliation and loss
١. تَعَزَّ عَنِ الحِرصِ تَعزُز بِهِ
فَفي الطَمَعِ الذُلُّ وَالمَنقَصَه
2. Never let a need drive you
To one who’s borne misery and distress
٢. وَلا تنزِلَن أَبَداً حاجَة
بِمَن كابَدَ البُؤسَ وَالمَخمَصَه
3. Though he take the wealth of a bright star
And trample the sun at dawn’s first light
٣. وَلَو نالَ نَجم الدُجى ثَروَةً
وَأَوطَأَ شَمسَ الضُحى أَخمَصَه