
With a staff made of honey bees' daughters in the palm of hardship

ووقضيب من بنات ال

1. With a staff made of honey bees' daughters in the palm of hardship
It resembles the lover in color and freely flowing tears

١. وَقَضيبٍ مِن بَناتِ ال
نَحلِ في قَدِّ الكِعابِ

2. The inner self is covered in anxiety while it is bare of clothing
So when bodies are well clothed

٢. يُشبِهُ العاشِقَ في لَو
نٍ وَدَمعٍ ذِي اِنسِكابِ

3. It is distraught, in affliction and torment

٣. كُسيَ الباطِنُ مِن
هُ وَهوَ عريانُ الإِهابِ

٤. فَاِذا ما نَعَّم الأَب
دانَ مَلبوسُ الثِيابِ

٥. فَهوَ لِلشقوةِ مِن
ها في بَلاءٍ وَعَذابِ