1. Many an embryo was picked from the garden of flowers
With secrets and conscience torn asunder
١. رُبَّ جَنينٍ مِن جَنى النَميرِ
مُهَتّكِ الأَسرارِ وَالضَميرِ
2. I drew it from the womb of bounty
As if it were translucent crystal
٢. سَللتُهُ مَن رَحِمِ الغَديرِ
كَأَنَّها صَفائِحُ البلّورِ
3. Or pieces of pure camphor
Had it remained intact through the ages
٣. أَو قِطَعٌ مِن خالِصِ الكافورِ
لَو بَقِيَت سِلكاً عَلى الدُهورِ
4. It would have adorned necklaces
And humbled the jewels of the seas
٤. لَعَطَّلَت قَلائِدَ النُحورِ
وَأَخجَلَت جَواهِرَ البُحورِ
5. And been called the brooches of strongholds
Oh its beauty in the time of ruin
٥. وَسُمِّيَت ضَرائِر الثُغورِ
يا حُسنَهُ في زَمَنِ الحرورِ
6. When its torment is like the deserted wilderness
It evokes in hearts and breasts
٦. إِذ قَيظُهُ مِثلُ حَشا المَهجورِ
يُهدي إِلى الأَكبادِ وَالصُدورِ
7. A spirit that rivals the blowing wind
And brings happiness to the wretched
٧. رُوحاً يُحاكي نَفثَةَ المَصدورِ
وَيَجلِبُ السُرورَ لِلمَقرورِ