1. My covenant with him, though hands may vary,
He disobeys at times and goes astray.
١. عَهدي بِهِ وَالأَكُفُّ تَختَلِفُ
وَهوَ يُعاصي طَوراً وَيَنحَرِفُ
2. Whenever he inclines to foolishness,
A slap makes him turn round the other way.
٢. وَكُلَّما مالَ عِطفُهُ سَفَهاً
تُميلُهُ صَفعَةٌ فَيَنعَطِفُ
3. If he evades exposing himself in flight,
Fearful of comfort in relying on her,
٣. وَإِن تَوارى بِشَخصِهِ هَرَباً
مِن راحَةٍ في اِعتِمادِها خَيَفُ
4. The arrows of her slippers still strike him
As though his head were her target center.
٤. ظَلَّت سِهامُ النِعالِ تَرشُقُهُ
كَأَنَّما رَأسُهُ لَها هَدَفُ