
You encompass praise as inheritance and gain

حويت الحمد إرثا واكتسابا

1. You encompass praise as inheritance and gain
And surpass people in merit and lineage

١. حَوَيتَ الحَمدَ إِرثاً وَاِكتِسابا
وَفُقتَ الناسَ فَضلاً وَاِنتِسابا

2. So how could you accept that I complain about you one day
And harshly rebuke you in writing

٢. فَكيفَ رَضيتَ أَن أَشكوكَ يَوماً
وَأُغلِظ في الكِتابِ لَكَ العِتابا

3. I present books of the eminent and duplicate
Yet you do not respond back to five

٣. أُزَجّي الكُتبَ مِن فَذٍّ وَمَثنى
فَلَستَ تُعيدُ عَن خَمسٍ جَوابا

4. And I count them with the palms of my hands
Such is the case of one who calculates

٤. وَأَحسَبُ عَدَّها بِبَنانِ كَفّي
كَذَلِكَ شَأنُ مَن عَمِلَ الحِسابا

5. So how much are those you love and believe
That you turn away from me and avoidance

٥. فَكَم أوليكَ وُدّاً وَاِعتِقاداً
فَتوليني صُدوداً وَاِجتِنابا

6. You broke the heart then lived in it
So how did you make your residence destruction

٦. هَدَمتَ القَلبَ ثُمَّ سَكَنتَ فيهِ
فَكيفَ جَعَلتَ مَسكَنَكَ الخَرابا

7. So visit us, our gathering is graceful
Its sight almost restores youth

٧. فَزُرنا إِنَّ مَجلِسَنا أَنيقٌ
يَكادُ يُعيدُ مَنظَرُهُ الشَبابا

8. It is met by steaming Bukhaari that
You'd think the heat of August comes from it

٨. يُقابِلُهُ بُخاريٌّ تَلَظّى
فَتَحسَبُ حَرَّ آبٍ مِنهُ آبا

9. It has a crown that shows you fire lighting
And you see through its smoke concealment

٩. لَهُ تاجٌ يُريكَ النارَ تُجلى
وَتَنظُرُ لِلدُخانِ بِهِ اِحتِجابا

10. Adolescents serve around wine with it
And young men serve around books with it

١٠. فَوِلدانٌ تُديرُ بِذا مُداماً
وَغِلمانٌ تُديرُ بِذا كِتابا

11. And our nights resemble the dawn in light
And incense has cast fog with it

١١. وَلَيلَتُنا شَبيهُ الصُبحِ نوراً
وَقَد عَقَدَ البَخورُ بِها ضَبابا

12. It's as if its darkness has affection for the candle
And the kindling is spotted with youth through it

١٢. كَأَنَّ ظَلامَها بِالشَمعِ فَودٌ
وَقَد وَخَطَ القَتيرُ بِهِ فَشابا

13. And a young man fuels the light of our candle
Which you'd think is a shooting star in the night

١٣. وَيَرفُدُ ضَوءَ شَمعَتِنا غُلامٌ
لَها في اللَيلِ تَحسَبُهُ شِهابا

14. It falls short of it in extent and pot
And surpassed it in radiance and kindling

١٤. تَقاصَرَ دونَها قَدّاً وَقَدراً
وَجاوَزَها ضِياءً وَالتِهابا

15. When the devoted around it share sustenance
We make its name the melted fat

١٥. إِذا اِقتَسَمَ العَقائِرَ مَن لَدَيها
جَعَلنا إِسمَهُ الشَحمَ المُذابا

16. And our coffee from the cooked is lawful
If the jurist is called to it, he responds

١٦. وَقَهوَتُنا مِنَ المَطبوخِ حِلٌّ
إِذا دُعِيَ الفَقيهُ لَها أَجابا

17. It glistened in the glass without sediment
And made the seeds a veil for it

١٧. تَجَلَّت في الزُجاجِ بِغَيرِ خِدرٍ
وَصَيَّرَتِ الحَبابَ لَها نِقابا

18. And when a fine prose captivates us
Pleasing the soul with lines or address

١٨. وَلَمّا ساقَنا نَظمٌ بَديعٌ
يَسَرُّ النَفسَ خَطّاً أَو خِطابا

19. We make the water our poet so when
Its thoughts flowed, it Prosed bubbles

١٩. جَعَلنا الماءَ شاعِرَنا فَلَمّا
جَرَت في فِكرِهِ نَظَمَ الحَبابا

20. So visit us, pleasures are complete with us
And do not open for us in reproach a door

٢٠. فَزُرنا تَكمُلِ اللَذّاتُ فينا
وَلا تَفتَح لَنا في العَتبِ بابا

21. And do not make contrary speech an excuse
To turn away loved ones and companions

٢١. وَلا تَجعَل كَلامَ الضِدِّ عُذراً
تَصُدُّ بِهِ الأَحِبَّةَ وَالصِحابا

22. For the soul of souls is a spirit
When it appears to dispel worries, they disappear

٢٢. فَإِنَّ الراحَ لِلأَرواحِ رَوحٌ
إِذا حَضَرَت لِدَفعِ الهَمِّ غابا

23. And the likes of you does not indication correctness
While you teach people what is right

٢٣. وَمِثلُكَ لا يُدَلُّ عَلى صَوابٍ
وَأَنتَ تُعَلِّمُ الناسَ الصَوابا