1. When the leaves tightened on the branches
Between the leaves
١. لَمّا شَدَتِ الوُرقُ عَلى الأَغصانِ
بَينَ الوَرَقِ
2. The branches of acacia swayed, enraptured
Like an embrace
٢. ماسَت طَرَباً بِها غُصونُ البانِ
3. The birds chirped
And the sight of flowers appeared
٣. الطَيرُ شَدا
وَمَنظَرُ الزَهرِ بَدا
4. And the rain passed
Bestowing generosity and dew
٤. وَالقَطرُ غَدا
يوليهِ جوداً وَنَدى
5. And the atmosphere stretched
And the narcissus, its languid eyelid
٥. وَالجَونُ حَدا
وَمَدَّ في الجَوِّ رِدا
6. Did not shut
Rather it spent the night staring at the gardens of mint
٦. وَالنَرجِسُ جَفنُ طَرفِهِ الوَسنانِ
لَم يَنطَبِقِ
7. Cheerful, awake
O night we spent with it, honor residing
٧. بَل باتَ إِلى شَقائِقِ النُعمانِ
ساهي الحَدَقِ
8. Between gardens and meadows and a breeze
Dawn did not give us time to enjoy bliss
٨. يا لَيلَةً بِتنا وَبِها العِزُّ مُقيم
ما بَينَ حِياضٍ وَرياضٍ وَنَسيم
9. But the sun of the horizon appeared upon the fading darkness
Until it reddened the thickets of cane
٩. ما أَمهَلَنا الصُبحُ لِنَحظى بِنَعيم
لَكِن تَجَلَّت عَلى الظَلامِ الواني
10. With the sword of dawn
When spring brandished its swords in the land
١٠. شَمسُ الأُفُقِ
حَتّى خَضَبَت مِنَ النَجيعِ القاني
11. With fertility, it stretched out on the battlegrounds of beauty and connection
And the flowers flourished and the wind gained attributes
١١. سَيفَ الشَفَقِ
لَمّا شَهَرَ الرَبيعُ في الأَرضِ نِصال
12. And the rain intended with its floods the valleys
Between the paths
١٢. بِالخِصبِ سَطا في مَعرِكِ المَحلِ وَصال
وَالزَهرُ ذَكا وَأَكسَبَ الريحَ خِصال
13. From a concealed place in the pasture of deceit
Or set free
١٣. وَالغَيثُ هَمى بِوَبلِهِ الهَتّانِ
بَينَ الطُرُقِ
14. The breaths of the morning breeze gave me
What the fragrance of flowers contains
١٤. مِن مُحتَبِسٍ في سَرحَةِ الغُدرانِ
أَو مُنطَلِقِ
15. I don't know, has it come with a scattering of perfume
With flowers, the slopes of Ardan became musky
١٥. أَهدَت لي أَنفاسُ نَسيمِ السَحَرِ
ما أَودَعَها طيبُ أَريجِ الزَهَرِ
16. For the smeller
Or did the scattering of the Sultan's robe give it
١٦. لَم أَدرِ وَقَد جاءَت بِنَشرٍ عَطِرِ
بِالزَهرِ غَدَت مِسكِيَّةَ الأَردانِ
17. A beautiful scent
A king whose shrouds encompassed every stranger
١٧. لِلمُنتَشِقِ
أَم أَكسَبَها نَشرُ ثَنا السُلطانِ
18. How far he sends away with bestowal those who were close
He shrinks away shyly as if dreading him
١٨. طيبَ العَبَقِ
مَلكٌ كَفَلَت أَكفانُهُ كُلَّ غَريب
19. Shyness has distanced me from his presence
Not because of encounter
١٩. كَم أَبعَدَ بِالنَوالِ مَن كانَ قَريب
يَنأى خَجَلاً كَأَنَّهُ مِنهُ مُريب
20. Rather I distance myself from the places of floods
Fearing to drown
٢٠. عَن حَضرَتِهِ الحَياءُ قَد أَقصاني
لا عَن مَلَقِ
21. Were it not for the intentions of the righteous king, I would not
Have seen the protection of the august made protection
٢١. بَل أَبعُدُ عَن مَواقِعِ الطوفانِ
خَوفَ الغَرَقِ
22. Indeed what improves goes against obedience, even if it improves protection
If the possessors of crowns witnessed his might
٢٢. لَولا عَزَماتُ المَلِكِ الصالِحِ ما
شاهَدتُ حِمى الشَهباءِقَد صارَ حِمى
23. Under the threat
Because of his awe they fell to the chins
٢٣. إِنَّ صالَحَ ما يَعصي وَإِن صالَ حَمى
إِن شاهَدَ بَأسَهُ ذَوو التيجانِ
24. Like a neck
His bounty brought me into existence after nothingness
٢٤. تَحتَ الحَلَقِ
مِن هَيبَتِهِ خَرّوا إِلى الأَذقانِ
25. When he protected my face and blood from people
I did not clap my hands feeling regret before him
٢٥. مِثلَ العُنُقِ
قَد أَوجَدَني نَداهُ بَعدَ العَدَمِ
26. If I wished to the stretches of desolation my homelands
During drowning
٢٦. إِذ صانَ عَنِ الأَنامِ وَجهي وَدَمي
لَم أَصفُق كَفّي عِندَهُ مِن نَدَمِ
27. Were it not for him I would not have turned away from my homelands
After anxiety
٢٧. لَو شِئتُ لِهامَةِ السُهى أَوطاني
عِندَ الغَرَقِ
28. O son of the victorious king, O best successor
You who are a model of those past
٢٨. لَولاهُ لَما سَلَوتُ عَن أَوطاني
بَعدَ القَلَقِ
29. How much treasure of money have you wasted without waste
When you distributed what the expanse of time contained
٢٩. يا اِبنَ المَلِكِ المَنصورِ يا خَيرَ خَلَف
يا مَن هُوَ أُنموذَجُ مَن كانَ سَلَف
30. Among the sects
For wealth is transient and everything passes
٣٠. كَم أَتلَفَ كَنزَ المالِ مِن غَيرِ تَلَف
إِذ فَرَّقَ ما حَوى مَدى الأَزمانِ
31. And mention remains
Happy with the continuity of the kingdom, you have always been happy
٣١. بَينَ الفِرَقِ
فَالمالُ فَني وَكُلُّ شَيءٍ فانِ
32. Since you are nobler than I congratulate you on an occasion
You were congratulated and did not cease to show and repeat
٣٢. وَالذِكرُ بَقي
إِسعَد بِدَوامِ المُلكِ لا زِلتَ سَعيد
33. You show to people of aspiration and brethren
Good manners
٣٣. إِذ أَنتَ أَجَلُّ مِن أَن أُهَنّيكَ بِعيد
هُنّيتَ وَلا بَرِحتَ تُبدي وَتُعيد
34. Since in you is the perfection of beauty and benevolence
They have not parted
٣٤. تُبدي لِذَوي الرَجاءِ وَالإِخوانِ
حُسنَ الخُلُقِ
٣٥. إِذ فيكَ كَمالُ الحُسنِ وَالإِحسانِ
لَم يَفتَرِقِ