
His glance returned not to the meeting, though his tooth decayed

لا راجع الطرف باللقا وسنه

1. His glance returned not to the meeting, though his tooth decayed,
If, after you, he tasted blindness, even his age was decayed.

١. لا راجَعَ الطَرفُ بِاللِقا وَسَنَه
إِن ذاقَ غُمضاً مِن بَعدِكُم وَسِنَه

2. Long has the tender youth been your austere disdain,
So every day without you is as an age inordinate.

٢. طالَ عَلى الصَبِّ عُمرُ جَفوَتِكُم
فَكُلُّ يَومٍ مِنَ الفِراقِ سَنَه

3. A pliant lover submitted to love when love called him,
Obediently casting himself into passion decrepit.

٣. صَبٌّ أَجابَ الغَرامَ حينَ دَعا
طَوعاً وَأَلقى إِلى الهَوى رَسَنَه

4. From your union he realized not his wish,
And if he spent his time in passion for you, he wasted his life.

٤. لَم يَقضِ مِن وَصلِكُم لُبانَتَهُ
وَإِن قَضى في هَواكُمُ زَمَنَه

5. He knew no idolatry in his love, nor went against
The religion and ways of love in anything.

٥. ما عَرَفَ الشِركَ في هَواهُ وَلا
خالَفَ دينَ الهَوى وَلا سُنَنَه

6. And if he worshiped an idol in the morn,
He would worship none but your image, no other.

٦. وَلَو غَدا وَهوَ عابِدٌ وَثَناً
لَما غَدا غَيرُ شَخصِكُم وَثَنَه

7. When the slanderers mention you frequently,
He listens, straining his ear to them.

٧. إِن كَرَّرَ العاذِلونَ ذِكرَكُمُ
صَغا وَأَصغى إِلَيهِمُ أُذُنَه

8. No blamer saddens him with blame,
Save to console his grief with your memory.

٨. ما لامَهُ لائِمٌ لِيُحزِنَهُ
إِلّا وَسَلّى بِذِكرِكُم حَزَنَه

9. Without you, his wings had not been hot,
Nor would anxiety have wasted his body.

٩. لَولاكُمُ لَم تَبِت جَوانِحُهُ
حَرّى وَلا أَنحَلَ الضَنى بِدَنَه

10. How many tears he hid in the corner of his eye!
After you he was not faithful to what he hid.

١٠. كَم ضَمَّنَ الدَمعَ رَيَّ غُلَّتِهِ
فَما وَفى بَعدَكُم بِما ضَمِنَه

11. Trust not your secrets to his eyes,
Which cannot keep a secret.

١١. لا تودِعوا سِرَّكُم نَواظِرَهُ
فَهيَ عَلى السِرِّ غَيرُ مُؤتَمَنَه

12. Eyes that shed tears in abundance,
Yet they are perfidious in revealing your secrets.

١٢. نَواظِرٌ بِالدُموعِ وافِيَةٌ
وَهيَ لِإِظهارِ سِرِّكُم خَوَنَه

13. How many words I detailed in this ode,
While night detailed dawn in its winding sheet!

١٣. ورُبَّ لَفظٍ فَصَّلتُ مُجمَلَهُ
وَاللَيلُ قَد فَصَّلَ الضُحى كَفَنَه

14. The suspicions of enviers attacked me through it,
When my eyelids were withered and my age decayed.

١٤. سَأَت ظُنونُ الحُسّادِ فيَّ بِهِ
لَمّا غَدا الجُفنُ جافِياً وَسَنَه

15. They did not excuse me nor know
That my hand in generosity was a hostage.

١٥. لَم يَبسُطوا العُذرَ لي وَلا عَلِموا
أَنَّ يَدي بِالصَنيعِ مُرتَهَنَه

16. And if they had considered my praise of the Supported King,
My sins would be changed into good deeds.

١٦. وَلَو بِمَدحِ المُؤَيَّدِ اِعتَبَروا
لَبُدِّلَت سَيِّئاتُهُم حَسَنَه

17. The Universal King, depository of all merits,
Lavishes his stored bounty liberally on the righteous,

١٧. المَلِكُ الجامِعُ الفَضائِلَ وَال
باذِلُ في الصالِحاتِ ما خَزَنَه

18. Desirous of receiving the tribute of all kings,
He loads the envoys with gifts galore.

١٨. يَمتَنُّ لِلقابِلي عَطاهُ وَلا
يُقَلِّدُ الوَفدَ في النَدى مِنَنَه

19. A king, if the oceans vied with him,
The ocean would be left bereft of its ships.

١٩. مَلكٌ لَوَ اَنَّ البِحارَ تُشبِهُهُ
لَأَصبَحَ البَحرُ باذِلاً سُفُنَه

20. If al-Asma’i came to recite his poetry to him,
He would err in his verse from awe.

٢٠. وَلَو أَتى الأَصمَعِيُّ يُنشِدُهُ
شِعراً لَأَصبَحَ مِن خَوفٍ لَحَنَه

21. If a mispronouncer attended to his expression,
He would remove the charm of his utterance.

٢١. وَلَو رَعى أَلكَنٌ عِبارَتَهُ
أَزالَ مِن سِحرِ لَفظِهِ لَكنَه

22. Eloquent in speech without
The affectation of al-Mazini's client.

٢٢. مُهَذَّبُ اللَفظِ في الفَصاحَةِ لا
كَسائِلِ المازِنِيِّ مَن خَتَنَه

23. Of the House of Ayyub, whose qualities
Valour linked with generosity.

٢٣. مِن آلِ أَيّوبٍ الَّذينَ لَهُم
حَماسَةٌ بِالسَماحِ مُقتَرِنَه

24. A family whose glory in renown is perfect,
Its deeds all straight and direct.

٢٤. ذَوي بُيوتٍ في المَجدِ سالِمَةٍ
كُلُّ أَفاعيلِهِنَّ مُتَّزِنَه

25. They bought the kingdom by daring and danger
And made souls of foes their price.

٢٥. هُمُ اِشتَروا المُلكَ غالِباً خَطَراً
وَصَيَّروا أَنفُسَ العِدى ثَمَنَه

26. Now you see the weapon of barren kingdom,
At times their exploits, at others their madness.

٢٦. طَوراً سِلاحَ المُلكِ العَقيمَ تَرى
تِلكَ المَساعي وَتارَةً جُنَنَه

27. O king, to whom kings are subjected,
And in their dependence follow his ways.

٢٧. يا مالِكاً دانَتِ المُلوكُ لَهُ
وَاِتَّبَعَت في اِعِتِمادِها سُنَنَه

28. Happy he who gained his love and favour!
It relieved him from chamberlains and treasury.

٢٨. وَمَن سَنا بِشرِهِ وَنائِلُهُ
رَفَّهَ سَعيِ الحُجّابِ وَالخَزَنَه

29. The sincere in his promise in the Book, he whom
The Lord of the Throne ransomed after trying him.

٢٩. وَالصادِقَ الوَعدِ في الكِتابِ وَمَن
فَداهُ ذو العَرشِ بَعدَما اِمتَحَنَه

30. You have bestowed on Your servant from Your bounty what
His capacity falls short of bearing any part of it.

٣٠. أَوسَعتَ لِلعَبدِ مِن هِباتِكَ ما
أَضاقَ عَن حَملِ بَعضِهِ عَطَنَه

31. You have wearied, with thanking, his endeavor
As though You were trying him with blessings.

٣١. أَتعَبتَ بِالشُكرِ جُهدَ مُهجَتِهِ
كَأَنَّها بِالنَعيمِ مُمتَحَنَه

32. Your bounty has made him familiar so his soul sought
No dwelling nor rest but Yours.

٣٢. آنَسَهُ فَضلُكُم فَما طَلَبَت
مَسكَنَهُ نَفسُهُ وَلا سَكَنَه

33. Your favour distracted him from his family
And Your shade and land made him forget his home.

٣٣. أَسلاهُ عَن أَهلِهِ صَنيعُكُمُ
بِهِ وَأَنساهُ ظِلُّكُم وَطَنَه

34. He declares praise and eulogy openly though
In affection his secret is like his overt.

٣٤. يُعلِنُ بِالمَدحِ وَالثَناءِ وَقَد
أَشبَهَ في الوُدِّ سِرُّهُ عَلَنَه

35. Nothing saddened him but the termination of his term,
And the time he spent under Your shade.

٣٥. ما ساءَهُ غَيرُ فَوتِ مُدَّتِهِ
وَما قَضى تَحتَ ظِلِّكُم زَمَنَه

36. So may You never show inconsistency,
Nor remove the sorrow of any envier!

٣٦. فَلا أَرَتنا الأَيّامُ فيكَ رَدىً
وَلا أَماطَت عَن حاسِدٍ حَزَنَه

37. And prolong the life of those who envy you so that
They may live in humiliation, a life of misery!

٣٧. وَعَمَّرَ اللَهُ حاسِديكَ لِكَي
تَعيشَ في الذُلِّ عيشَةً خَشِنَه