1. My people thought that time would cure
The malady of my heart, but that's far removed
١. ظَنَّ قَومي أَنَّ الأُساةَ سَتَبري
داءَ وَجدي وَذاكَ شَيءٌ بَعيدُ
2. So they brought the doctor and he is indeed
Among the best in his profession
٢. فَأَتَوا بِالطَبيبِ وَهوَ لَعَمري
في ذَوي فَنِّهِ مُجيدٌ مَجيدُ
3. Since he saw my illness and symptoms of death
Were apparent, he checked my pulse and asked "Are you not doubtful?"
٣. مُذ رَأى عِلَّتي وَقَد لاحَ لِلمَو
تِ عَليها أَدِلَّةٌ وَشُهودُ
4. I said, "A fire that coldness cannot extinguish"
So the next day he set about making medicine, but found
٤. جَسَّ نَبضي وَقالَ ما أَنتَ شاكٍ
قُلتُ ناراً لَم يُطفِها التَبريدُ
5. The fire in my heart only grew stronger with the medicine
He said "This was not originally your sickness"
٥. فَغَدا يُخلِصُ الدَواءَ فَأَلفى
نارَ وَجدي مَعَ الدَواءِ تَزيدُ
6. I said "It's because of my beloved, and that is an extreme condition"
He said "It is the air that has brought this affliction upon you"
٦. قالَ ما كانَ أَصلُ دائِكَ هَذا
قُلتُ طَرفي وَذاكَ حالٌ شَديدُ
7. I said "The confined one, not the outstretched one"
So he withdrew puzzled, and said to my people
٧. قالَ إِنَّ الهَواءَ أَحدَثَ بَلوا
كَ فَقُلتُ المَقصورُ لا المَمدودُ
8. "The cure for lovers is only the remote one"
٨. فَاِنثَنى حائِراً وَقالَ لِقومي
ما دَواءُ العُشّاقِ إِلّا بَعيدُ