1. God forbade the drinking of wine, for it
Is forbidden, except to those with knowledge.
١. نَهى اللَهُ عَن شُربِ المُدامِ لِأَنَّها
مُحَرَّمَةٌ إِلّا عَلى مَن لَهُ عِلمُ
2. And the Quran has stated its benefits,
Yet it has sinful consequences.
٢. وَقَد جاءَ في القُرآنِ إِثباتُ نَفعِها
وَلَكِنَّ فيهِ مِن تَوابِعِها إِثمُ
3. That depends on the drinker and their intellect -
For some groups it is permitted, for others forbidden.
٣. وَذاكَ بِقَدرِ الشارِبينَ وَعَقلِهِم
فَفي مَعشَرٍ حِلٌّ وَفي مَعشَرٍ حُرمُ
4. If He had wanted to forbid it for all groups,
The Messenger of God would have said “Do not plant vineyards.”
٤. وَلَو شاءَ تَحريماً عَلى كُلِّ مَعشَرٍ
لَقالَ رَسولُ اللَهِ لا يُغرَسُ الكَرمُ