1. This is the night of joy in which every
saint is made glad thereby
١. هَذِهِ لَيلَةُ السُرورِ الَّتي كُل
لَ وَلِيٍّ بِمِثلِها مَسرورُ
2. And I today am among your seekers like the
thirsty one with tears that flow as he turns about
٢. وَأَنا اليَومَ في طِلابِكَ كَالدو
لابِ تَجري دُموعُهُ وَيَدورُ
3. And we have ease and transport and whispering
and love songs that enliven souls and maidens
٣. وَلَدَينا راحٌ وَنُقلٌ وَمَشمو
مٌ وَمُردٌ تُحيي النُفوسَ وَحورُ
4. And my joy is complete if I can be
graced by the presence of your beautiful face
٤. وَتَمامُ السُرورِ عِندِيَ إِن أَم
كَن مِن وَجهِكَ الجَميلِ الحُضورُ