1. O breeze, send my greetings to the loved ones
And when the neighbor talks to you, say "greetings"
١. بَلِّغي الأَحبابَ يا ري
حَ الصَبا عَنّي السَلاما
2. I am the one whom people have never blamed
Or cursed even for a day
٢. وَإِذا خاطَبَكِ الجا
هِلُ بي قَولي سَلاما
3. Who keeps promises and does not
Reproach during adversity
٣. أَنا مَن لَم يَذمُمِ النا
سُ لَهُ يَوماً ذِماما
4. Of people who have made hostility
Upon blame unlawful
٤. يَحفَظُ العَهدَ وَلا يَس
مَعُ في الخِلِّ المَلاما
5. They orphaned children in the war
While they are the shelter of the orphan
٥. مِن أُناسٍ صَيَروا العِ
ضَ عَلى الذَمَّ حَراما
6. And if they passed by someone despised
In the land they passed with dignity
٦. أَيتَموا الأَطفالَ في الحَر
بِ وَهُم كَهفُ اليَتاما
7. So how much torment have I suffered
For love that was passion
٧. وَإِذا مَرّوا بِلَغوٍ
في الوَرى مَرّوا كِراما
8. Indeed the fire of longing has settled
As a dwelling and abode
٨. فَلَكَم ذُقتُ عَذاباً
لِلهَوى كانَ غَراما
٩. إِنَّ نارَ الشَوقِ سا
ءَت مُستَقَرّاً وَمَقاما