
And the whiteness of his unblemished skin allured me

وأغر تبري الإهاب مردد

1. And the whiteness of his unblemished skin allured me
His mantle draped about him fold on fold

١. وَأَغَرَّ تِبرِيِّ الإِهابِ مُرَدَّدٍ
سَبطِ الأَديمِ مُحَجَّلٍ بِبَياضِ

2. I fear for him; my arrows he may face
As to the goal he speeds, outpacing me

٢. أَخشى عَليهِ بِأَن يُصابَ بِأَسهُمي
مِمّا يُسابِقُني إِلى الأَغراضِ