1. Turn the cup safely, let no illusion change you,
Serve wine to boon-companions - bounty has not ceased.
١. أَدِرها بِأَمنٍ لا يُغَيِّرُكَ الوَهَم
وَزُفَّ عَلى الجُلّاسِ ما خَلَّفَ الكَرمُ
2. Cure her sickness by listening, for sans melody
She's sorrow; sans sweetness, poison she's increased.
٢. وَداوِ أَذاها بِالسَماعِ فَإِنَّها
بِلا نَغَمٍ غَمٌّ بِلا دَسَمٍ سُمُّ
3. An antidote - if they'd washed a corpse with wine
His marrow had not melted; nor his bones decreased.
٣. مُعَتَّقَةٌ لَو غَسَّلوا مَيِتاً بِها
لَما ذابَ مِنهُ المُخُّ وَاِنهَشَمَ العَظمُ
4. But for my fear of God, I would have said that wine
Can make the dead speak out or make the deaf hear, feast.
٤. وَلولا اِتِّقاءُ اللَهِ قُلتُ بِأَنَّها
بِها تَنطِقُ الأَمواتُ أَو تَسمَعُ الصُمُّ
5. None who knew sorrow raised her cup one day,
None who felt grief has touched her with his palms, at least.
٥. فَلَم يَرَ يَوماً كاسَها مَن رَأى الأَذى
وَلا مَسَّها بِالكَفِّ مَن مَسَّهُ الهَمُّ
6. Take her, as sweet music, for she can ease
The face of life if care has caused it grief and bleakness.
٦. فَخُذها عَلى طيبِ السَماعِ فَإِنَّها
بَشاشَةُ وَجهِ العَيشِ إِن عَبَسَ الهَمُّ
7. Fear no sin if you drink her, by
What fault-finding people say - for "sin" her name is.
٧. وَلا تَخشَ مِن إِثمٍ إِذا ما شَرِبتَها
لِظاهِرِ قَولِ الناسِ إِنّ اِسمَها الإِثمُ
8. Not every description's essence is the named;
The named is not the same as the naming, in its realness.
٨. فَما كُلُّ وَصفٍ في الحَقيقَةِ ذاتُه
وَليسَ المُسَمّى في حَقيقَتِهِ الاِسمُ
9. If attributes themselves were the essence
Or naming was the named, where would be the difference?
٩. وَلَو أَنَّ وَصفَ الشَيءِ عَينٌ لِذاتِهِ
أَوِ الذِكرَ لِلشَيءِ المُرادِ هُوَ الجُرمُ
10. Then no named "Immortal" would have died,
No king called "Star" would fall in earth, no prince's inheritance
١٠. لَمّا ماتَ مَن سَمّوهُ بِاللَفظِ خالِداً
وَلا خَرَّ مَلِكٌ في الثَرى وَاِسمُهُ نَجمُ
11. Like Prince of Faith fell from his royal throne
His courage, might and wisdom could not help or assist.
١١. كَما خَرَّ نَجمُ الدينِ مِن عَرشِ مُلكِهِ
وَلَم يُغنِ عَنهُ الباسُ وَالعَزمُ وَالحَزمُ
12. King Mansur passed from his kingship's grasp.
His guarded, mighty rule could not protect or shield this.
١٢. مَضى المَلِكُ المَنصورُ مِن دَستِ مُلكِهِ
وَلَم يُنجِهِ المُلكُ المُمَنَّعُ وَالحُكمُ
13. A king who dealt out justice in all tribes
Owes shadows only to his riches' gloom and darkness.
١٣. مَليكٌ أَفاضَ العَدلَ في كُلِّ مَعشَرٍ
فَلَيسَ لَهُ إِلّا لِأَموالِهِ ظُلمُ
14. Earth hid him for she could not stand
His feet, whose tread her surface could not clasp or kiss.
١٤. وَما غَيَّبَتهُ الأَرضُ إِلّا لِأَنَّها
لِأَقدامِهِ ما كانَ يُمكِنُها اللَثمُ
15. He left young lions who in bounty vied,
So, after him, men would not live in helplessness.
١٥. وَخَلَّفَ أَشبالاً سَعَوا مِثلَ سَعيِهِ
لِئَلّا يَعُمُّ الناسَ مِن بَعدِهِ اليُتمُ
16. Kings who in giving followed in their father's stride.
In every virtue from his liberality they inherit.
١٦. مُلوكاً حَذَوا في الجودِ حَذوَ أَبيهِمُ
فَفي كُلِّ وَصفٍ مِن نَداهُ لَهَم قِسمُ
17. Amongst them shone the brightest star
Though now their guiding moon is gone, their polestar witness.
١٧. وَأَشرَقَ في الشَهباءِ في الدَستِ مِنهُم
وَقَد غابَ عَنها نَجمُها بِدرُها التَمُّ
18. The righteous king who wore the sable robe;
Yet people have, atop the sable dress, his favors still.
١٨. هُوَ الصالِحُ المَلكُ الَّذي لَبِسَ البَها
وَلِلناسِ مِنهُ فَوقَ ثَوبِ البَها رَقمُ
19. His martyr's marks shine clear in him;
In reason, counsel, wisdom - attributes not meaningless.
١٩. جَميعُ أَماراتِ الشَهيدِ ظَواهِرٌ
عَليهِ تَساوى الباسُ وَالرَأيُ وَالفَهمُ
20. Most trivial to him are steeds and frivolous sport;
Most noble, lavish generosity and rhyming words.
٢٠. وَأَهوَنُ شَيءٍ عِندَهُ الخَيلُ وَاللُهى
وَأَنفَقُ شَيءٍ عِندَهُ النَثرُ وَالنَظمُ
21. The best, most generous days are when
Fine horses gladden days once thought to be unfruitful.
٢١. وَأَحسَنُ أَيّامِ السَماحِ وَلودُها
إِذا أَعجَبَ النُجالَ أَيّامُها العُقمُ
22. Full many a tale of lofty deeds I've heard from him,
That, for its charm, seemed honeyed by the lips of youth.
٢٢. وَرَبُّ حَديثٍ مِن عُلاهُ سَمِعتُهُ
لِحُلوِ جَناهُ مِن حُلوقِ النُهى طَعمُ
23. I've tasted of his bounty, from his hand,
And in men's hearts - because of me - he has both vein and muscle.
٢٣. وَفَيضِ نَوالٍ مِن يَديهِ أَفَدتُهُ
لَهُ في قُلوبِ الناسِ مِن جَسَدي وَسمُ
24. When fate plotted against me, I sought refuge;
I passed the night; my name was written in his scroll.
٢٤. وَلَمّا أَرادَ الدَهرُ كَيدي فَزُرتُهُ
وَبِتُّ وَلِيَ في صُحُفِ إِنعامِهِ رَسمُ
25. So he held off the blows of time and death;
No more can death, my foe, spy out my hiding place.
٢٥. فَأَخَّرَ صَرفَ الدَهرِ عَنّي فَلا يَرى
مُقابَلَتي لَمّا دَرى أَنَّهُ الخَصمُ