
People give me good news of your rank

يبشرني قوم برتبتك التي

1. People give me good news of your rank
which I wished to ask about until I met you,

١. يُبَشِّرُني قَومٌ بِرُتبَتِكَ الَّتي
تَمَنَّيتُ فيها السُؤلَ حَتّى لَقيتُهُ

2. So I cheered my soul with joy and never ceased
to congratulate with you the heart of which you are its strength,

٢. فَبَشَّرتُ نَفسي بِالسُرورِ وَلَم أَزَل
أُهَنّي بِكَ القَلبَ الَّذي أَنتَ قوتُهُ

3. And I said to them, may God elevate his rank,
And this is a prayer that even if left unsaid, would have been enough.

٣. وَقُلتُ لَهُم أَعلى الإِلَهُ مَحَلَّهُ
وَهَذا دُعاءٌ لَو سَكَتُّ كُفيتُهُ