
Your kindness has captivated my grateful tears

ملكت ببعض برك رق شكري

1. Your kindness has captivated my grateful tears
And your generous hands have freed a captive's fears

١. مَلَكتَ بِبَعضِ بِرَّكَ رِقِّ شُكري
وَفَكَّ سَماحُ كَفِّكَ قَيدَ أَسري

2. If with grace you lessen my burden, know truly
With your gifts you've weighed down heavily this weary

٢. فَإِن خَفَّفتَ بِالإِحسانِ نَهضي
فَقَدأَثقَلتَ بِالإِنعامِ ظَهري

3. Your prayers have never ceased reaching me
To aid me and bolster my strength steadfastly

٣. فَما بَرِحَت صِلاتُكَ واصِلاتٍ
لِتَنجُدَني بِها وَتَشُدُّ أَزري

4. In hardships your heart is an ocean's expanse
And in deserts a wasteland your chest at a glance

٤. فَقَلبُكَ في الشَدائِدِ صَدرُ بَحرٍ
وَصَدرُكَ في الأَوابِدِ قَلبُ بَحرِ

5. When after absence I'd come before your face
Hoping, my worries and woes losing their place

٥. وَكُنتُ إِذا أَتَيتُكَ بَعدَ بُعدٍ
تُصَدَّقُ فيكَ آمالي وَزَجري

6. With gladness you'd greet me, blessing my eyes
Contentment receiving me, filling my sighs

٦. يُقابِلُني نَداكَ بِبِشرِ وَجهٍ
وَيَلقاني رِضاكَ بِوَجهِ بِشرِ

7. Why accustom me to more than my share?
When your chest holds the breadth worlds cannot bear

٧. فَلِم عَوَّدتَني غَيرَ اِعتِيادي
وَجَوَّزَ وَسعُ صَدرِكَ ضيقِ صَدري

8. I've excused you, an ocean bound to its tide
To flow out and ebb in, I cannot deride

٨. عَذَرتُكَ حينَ حُلتَ وَأَنتَ بَحرٌ
لِأَنَّ البَحرَ ذو مَدٍّ وَجَزرِ

9. I thought until thinking left me confused
I searched until searching no answers infused

٩. لَقَد فَكَّرتُ حَتّى حارَ فِكري
وَقَد نَقَّبتُ حَتّى عيلَ صَبري

10. No reason I found for your sudden disgrace
Maybe I've erred, I know not, truth be told in my case

١٠. فَلَم أَرَ مَوجِباً سُخطي وَلَكِن
لَعَلّي قَد أَسَأتُ وَلَستُ أَدري

11. If I've caused you harm, seek no recompense
For my lord knows my cause and the weight of my expense

١١. فَإِن أَكُ قَد أَسَأتُ لَكَ التَقاضي
فَلا يَخفى عَلى مَولايَ عُذري

12. My means cannot suffice my household and mount
And I'll not shorten my days for a mere discount

١٢. بِأَنّي لا يَفي بِالخَرجِ كَسبي
وَلَستُ أُضيعُ بِالتَقتيرِ عُمري

13. I beg not with my face bowed before mankind
Nor have I gained wealth through the fruits of my mind

١٣. وَلَم أَكُ باذِلاً لِلناسِ وَجهي
وَلا أَنا كاسِبٌ مالاً بِشِعري

14. I've endured beyond what my shoulders could lift
And spent past the bounds of what meager gifts

١٤. فَأَحمِلَ في التَحَمُّلِ فَوقَ طَوقي
وَأَبذُلُ في التَكَلُّفِ فَوقَ قَدري

15. I've bought water with wealth and gathered goodness with grace
And earned but one day's wage for a whole month's space

١٥. وَأَشري عِندَكُم ماءً بِمالٍ
وَأُحرِزَ دائِماً تِبراً بِتِبري

16. So how, when the lean days of fast have crept in
And emptied what slim purse that I had tucked within

١٦. فَأَكسَبَ كُلَّ شَهرٍ خَرجَ يَومٍ
وَأُخرِجَ كُلَّ يَومٍ كَسبَ شَهرِ

17. Has circled round them a babe, heavy of hips
Smooth faced, slender-waisted, sipping his sips

١٧. فَكَيفَ وَقَد تَوَلَّت نَقصَ كيسي
كُؤوسُ الراحِ في أَيّامِ فِطري

18. A wine whose body is made of pure ruby
Begot through the mixture, daughter of pearl jewels

١٨. وَطافَ بِها ثَقيلُ الرِدفِ طَفلٌ
صَقيلُ السالِفَينِ نَحيلُ خَصرِ

19. Both flame that sparked underneath cooling fonts
And icicles formed above simmering embers

١٩. بِراحٍ ذاتِ جِسمٍ مِن عَقيقٍ
ويولِدُها المِزاجُ بَناتِ دُرِّ

20. I've emptied its cup through the days one by one
Lavishing the sweetness of my fleeting life

٢٠. فَمِن لَهبٍ تَوَقَّدَ تَحتَ ماءٍ
وَمِن بَردٍ تَنَضَّدَ فَوقَ جَمرِ

21. And it matters me not if in my stupor I've missed
Praising you, muddled mind forgetting your gifts

٢١. أَعاقِرُ كَأسَها في كُلِّ يَومٍ
وَأُسرِفُ لَذَّتي مِن صَرفِ دَهري

٢٢. وَليسَ بِشاغِلي عَن زَفِّ مَدحي
وَلَستُ أُخِلُّ في سُكري بِشُكري