
My soul is the ransom for Shadin, whom I saw

نفسي الفداء لشادن شاهدته

1. My soul is the ransom for Shadin, whom I saw
On visitation day, reciting from the Mus'haf,

١. نَفسي الفِداءُ لِشادِنٍ شاهَدتُه
يَومَ الزِيارَةِ قارِئاً في المُصحَفِ

2. Charming people with joy and an accent
That captures and pours into every complaining heart.

٢. فَتَنَ الأَنامَ بِبَهجَةٍ وَبِلَهجَةٍ
تَسبي وَتُصبي كُلَّ صَبٍّ مُدنِفِ

3. So he read the entire surah of Yusuf smoothly,
And appeared as beautiful as the image of Yusuf.

٣. فَتَلا مَلِياً جُلَّ سورَةِ يوسُفِ
وَجَلا مُحَيّاً مِثلِ صورَةِ يوسُفِ