
Our souls have become resigned to deprivation

قد اطمأنت على الحرمان أنفسنا

1. Our souls have become resigned to deprivation,
So denial has no effect on us anymore.

١. قَدِ اِطمَأَنَّت عَلى الحِرمانِ أَنفُسُنا
فَلَيسَ لِلمَنعِ يَوماً عِندَنا أَثَرُ

2. Until in our eyes the generous
And the selfish are equal.

٢. حَتّى تَساوى لَدينا مَن لَهُ كَرَمٌ
مِنَ الأَنامِ وَمَن في نَفسِهِ قِصَرُ

3. They do wrong, and we excuse them,
And swear, and we pardon them.

٣. يُقَصِّرونَ فَنَستَحيي وَنُعذِرُهُم
وَيَحلِفونَ فَنَستَعفي وَنَعتَذِرُ

4. We give praise without seeking payment,
Though many a fertile palm tree bears no fruit.

٤. نُهدي الثَناءَ وَلا نَبغي لَهُ ثَمَناً
وَرُبَّ دَوحٍ نَضيرٍ ما لَهُ ثَمَرُ