1. Stay aloof though you dwell near our abode,
Spare lives and spare souls the bitterness of estrangement.
١. أَقيموا عَلى الإِعراضِ مَع قُربِ دارِكُم
وَلا تُتلِفوا الأَرواحَ بِالبُعدِ عَنكُمُ
2. For time has made easy the hardships of separation between us,
Your disdain is sweeter than the intimacies of others.
٢. فَقَد سَهَّلَ البَينَ المُشَتِّتَ بَينَنا
جَفاكُم وَأَحلى صَدَّكَم وَهوَ عَلقَمُ
3. We are content to suffer your displeasure in nearness,
And to choose estrangement though you are near.
٣. وَإِنّا لَنَرضى بِالدُنُوِّ بِسُخطِكُم
وَنَقنَعُ بِالإِعراضِ في القُربِ مِنكُم
4. For we see glory in estrangement, and greater glory still in remoteness.
٤. وَنَختارُ أَيّامَ الصُدودِ لِأَنَّنا
نَرى عِظَماً بِالصَدِّ وَالبَينُ أَعظَمُ