1. Even as I offer you affection and loyalty
You accuse me of seeking to sever ties and abandon
١. حَتّامَ أَمنَحُكَ المَوَدَّةَ وَالوَفا
وَتَسومُني قَصدَ القَطيعَةِ وَالجَفا
2. O critic, for an error I did not commit
Thinking my devotion was merely pretense
٢. يا عاتِباً لِجَريرَةٍ لَم أَجِنها
ظَنّاً بِأَنَّ وَفايَ كانَ تَكَلُّفا
3. By Allah, why do my messages weigh on you
When you are the dearest of brothers to me
٣. بِاللَهِ لِم ثَقُلَت عَليكَ رَسائِلي
هَذا وَأَنتَ أَجَلُّ إِخوانِ الصَفا
4. And why have you looked upon my mountains of affection
Only to make them, through estrangement, a barren wasteland
٤. وَلِمَ اِطَّلَعتَ عَلى جِبالِ مَوَدَّتي
فَجَعَلتَها بِالهَجرِ قاعاً صَفصَفا
5. Grant that my words in censure were harsh
Is it right that a friend be scorched when he errs?
٥. هَب أَنَّني أَغلَظتُ قَولي عاتِباً
أَيَجوزُ أَن يُقلى الصَديقُ إِذا هَفا
6. When a friend is assured of his right
His rebuke in love is more forceful and impassioned
٦. إِنَّ الصَديقَ إِذا تَأَكَّدَ حَقُّهُ
بِالوُدِّ أَغلَظَ في العِتابِ وَعَنَّفا
7. And so the tolerant listener in times of contentment
Overlooks and if he swerves, swerves with him
٧. وَكَذا سَميعُ العَتبِ في حالِ الرِضى
يُغضي لَهُ وَإِذا تَحَرَّفَ حَرَّفا
8. Like the wind, called sinful in its languor
And called agreeable companion at peace
٨. كَالراحِ تُدعى الإِثمَ عِندَ مَلالِها
وَمَعَ الرِضى تُدعى السُلافَ القَرقَفا