
O gazelle, the lions have captured her beauty

يا ظبية قنص الأسود جمالها

1. O gazelle, the lions have captured her beauty
And we see the hunters hunting her down

١. يا ظَبيَةً قَنَصَ الأُسودَ جَمالُها
وَنَرى الظِباءَ يَصيدُها القَنّاصُ

2. Your glances have silenced hearts with their arrows
Neither coquetry nor grace could save her

٢. أَصمَت لَواحِظُكِ القُلوبَ بِأَسهُمٍ
لَم يُغنِ عَنها نَثرَةٌ وَدِلاصُ

3. So I was struck on the cheek by your glance
Is there no relief for the captives of your heart?

٣. فَهَبي جَرَحتُ الخَدَّ مِنكَ بِنَظرَةٍ
أَفَما لِأَسرِ القَلبِ مِنكَ خَلاصُ

4. You have wounded the innermost heart with your eye's arrows
So leave my heart be, for wounds seek vengeance

٤. ها قَد جَرَحتِ بِنَبلِ عَينَيكِ الحَشى
فَدَعي فُؤادي فَالجُروحُ قِصاصُ