1. Yes, for lovers' hearts there are eyes
That show them what can barely be seen
١. نَعَم لِقُلوبِ العاشِقينَ عُيونُ
يَبينُ لَها ما لا يَكادُ يَبينُ
2. With them we saw what was before of love
So it pointed to what will come after
٢. نَظَرنا بِها ما كانَ قَبلُ مِنَ الهَوى
فَدَلَّ عَلى ما بَعدَها سَيَكونُ
3. Prohibition forbade us from it, so our hearts gave in
We said, proceed though madness is perfection
٣. نَهانا النُهى عَنها فَلَجَّت قُلوبُنا
فَقُلنا اِقدُمي إِنَّ الجُنونَ فُنونُ
4. We forgive and pardon the offense of love
When its rule is harsh upon us and we are gentle
٤. نَغُضُّ وَنَعفو لِلغَرامِ إِذا جَنى
وَيَقسو عَلَينا حُكمُهُ فَنَلينُ
5. We restore the limits of the bashful night after night
While eyes and eyelids assault us
٥. نَرُدُّ حُدودَ المُرهَفاتِ كَلَيلَةً
وَتَفتُكُ فينا أَعيُنٌ وَجُفونُ
6. We gentle our souls in the ways of passion
And not before passion did they become gentle
٦. نُهَوِّنُ في سُبلِ الغَرامِ نُفوسَنا
وَما عادَةً قَبلَ الغَرامِ تَهونُ
7. We obey spears over which are crescents
And sand dunes over which are branches
٧. نُطيعُ رِماحاً فَوقَهُنَّ أَهِلَّةً
وَكُثبانَ رَملٍ فَوقَهُنَّ غُصونُ
8. Gazelles unleashed an attack upon the lovers
With them the curves are supple and the arrows eyes
٨. نَواعِمُ شَنَّت في المُحِبّينَ غارَةً
بِها اللُدنُ قَدٌّ وَالسِهامُ عُيونُ
9. Arrows but the brows are firm
Swords but the eyelids are eyelids
٩. نِبالٌ وَلَكِنَّ القِسِيَّ حَواجِبٌ
نِصالٌ وَلَكِنَّ الجُفونَ جُفونُ
10. They plundered the hearts of lovers and left
My body in agony, from it come sorrows
١٠. نَهَبنَ قُلوبَ العاشِقينَ وَغادَرَت
بِجِسمي ضَنىً لِلقَلبِ مِنهُ شُجونُ
11. Patience, resident and eroded
Tears and a heart released and captive
١١. نُحولٌ وَصَبرٌ قاطِنٌ وَمُقَوَّضٌ
وَدَمعٌ وَقَلبٌ مُطلَقٌ وَرَهينُ
12. We make easy the states of passion with endurance
Though the ease of lovers is anguish
١٢. نُسَهِّلُ أَحوالَ الغَرامِ تَجَلُّداً
وَإِنَّ سُهولَ العاشِقينَ حُزونُ
13. We follow it for a time but the bond of passion
Is not with a pledge, nor is the rope of time firm
١٣. نُتابِعُهُ طَوراً وَلا عُروَةُ الهَوى
بِوُثقى وَلا حَبلُ الزَمانِ مَتينُ
14. We think it beautiful in time though it
Is a time for breaking hearts and being deceitful
١٤. نَظُنُّ جَميلاً في الزَمانِ وَإِنَّهُ
زَمانٌ لِتَصديعِ القُلوبِ ضَمينُ
15. We seek the promises of generosity from it though to
The victorious king they are debts
١٥. نَرومُ وُعودَ الجودِ مِنهُ وَقَد غَدَت
لَدى المَلِكِ المَنصورِ وَهيَ دُيونُ
16. A noble prophet whose mission is realized
To him belong opinion, revelation, and magnanimity
١٦. نَبِيٌّ سَماحٍ قَد تُحُقَّقَ بَعثُهُ
لَهُ الرَأيُ وَحيٌ وَالسَماحَةُ دينُ
17. A group was saved who held fast to him
And knew the path of truth through him is clear
١٧. نَجَت فِئَةٌ لا ذَت بِهِ فَتَيَقَّنَت
بِأَنَّ طَريقَ الحَقِّ فيهِ مُبينُ
18. A sincere friend to him belongs strong resolve
A generous companion to him belongs sound opinion
١٨. نَخِيٌّ لَهُ العَزمُ الشَديدُ مُصاحِبٌ
سَخِيٌّ لَهُ الرَأيُ السَديدُ قَرينُ
19. A noble one, if the sea resembled his generosity
Ships would not be safe on either of its coasts
١٩. نَجيبٌ لَوَ اَنَّ البَحرَ أَشبَهَ جودَهُ
لَما سَلِمَت مِن جانِبَيهِ سَفينُ
20. Ambitions warded off from him what the enemies thought
They are the army, and the army the hidden ambush
٢٠. نَفَت عَنهُ ما ظَنَّ العُداةُ عَزائِمٌ
هِيَ الجَيشُ وَالجَيشُ الخَميسُ كَمينُ
21. He slept amidst the people whose spears
Decreed in battle to not be confined
٢١. نَمَتهُ إِلى القَومِ الَّذينَ رِماحُهُم
قَضَت في الوَغى أَن لا يَضيقَ طَعينُ
22. Stars that rise above the litters
Lions that beneath the spears have dens
٢٢. نُجومٌ لَها فَوقَ السُروجِ مَطالِعٌ
لُيوثٌ لَها تَحتَ الرِماحِ عَرينُ
23. Their souls on the day of dispute are flowing streams
And their opinions on the day of dispute are fortresses
٢٣. نُفوسُهُمُ يَومَ الجِدالِ جَداوِلٌ
وَآراؤُهُم يَومَ الجِدالِ حُصونُ
24. We came to him from distant lands
While each has in him the beauty of hope
٢٤. نَجَعنا إِلَيهِ مِن بِلادٍ بَعيدَةٍ
وَكُلٌّ لَهُ حُسنُ الرَجاءِ ضَمينُ
25. We set out to ask rain from the clouds, so his
Clouds of benevolence rained from his open palms
٢٥. نَهَضنا لِنَستَسقي السَحابَ فَجادَنا
سَحابُ نَدى كَفَّيهِ وَهيَ هَتونُ
26. We come to you, O you whose movements
Against the kingdom are both awe and tranquility
٢٦. نُوافيكَ يا مَن قَد غَدَت حَرَكاتُهُ
عَلى المُلكِ مِنها هَيبَةٌ وَسُكونُ
27. We repay you with what we bring to you as a gift
So we carry the pearl of praise and it is precious
٢٧. نُجازى بِما نَأتي إِلَيكَ هَديَّةً
فَنَحمِلُ دُرَّ المَدحِ وَهوَ ثَمينُ
28. You have been blessed and your lands remain a paradise
So your refuge is a fortress for the weak, a fortress
٢٨. نَعِمتَ وَلا زالَت رُبوعُكَ جَنَّةً
فَمَغناكَ حِصنٌ لِلعُفاةِ حَصينُ
29. You seized glory, generosity, honor, and sublimity
And attained wishes while time is tranquility
٢٩. نَهَبتَ الثَنا وَالجودَ وَالمَجدَ وَالعُلى
وَنِلتَ الأَماني وَالزَمانُ سُكونُ