1. You met us like the generous man meets his guest
And embraced us like the brave man embraces his sword
١. لاقَيتَنا مَلقى الكَريمِ لِضَيفِهِ
وَضَمَمتَنا ضَمَّ الكَميِّ لِسَيفِهِ
2. You made your abode a Ka'aba for the hopeful
It is a journey for his winter and his summer
٢. وَجَعَلتَ رَبعَكَ لِلمُؤَمِّلِ كَعبَةً
هِيَ رِحلَةٌ لِشِتائِهِ وَلِصَيفِهِ
3. O you who when truth is confused lends it
An opinion that refines its weight from falsehood
٣. يا مَن إِذا اِشتَبَهَ الصَوابُ أَعارَهُ
رَأياً يُخَلِّصُ نَقدَهُ مِن زَيفِهِ
4. And when the enemy's land is raided and desolated
By his delegation and its eagles from his guest
٤. وَإِذا غَزا أَرضَ العَدوِّ فَوَحشُها
مِن وَفدِهِ وَنُسورُها مِن ضَيفِهِ
5. Upon the prosperous from you poured clouds
That enrich the guardian for his charge over summer
٥. هَطَلَت عَلى العافينَ مِنكَ سَحائِبٌ
يُغني الوَليُّ وَليَّها عَن صَيفِهِ
6. While others' generosity is a whim to suspicions
As if in sleep the phantom of its specter
٦. وَسَماحُ غَيرِكَ خَطرَةٌ لِوَساوِسٍ
فَكَأَنَّها في النَومِ زَورَةُ طَيفِهِ
7. How many criminals whose sins decided their demise
Who gnaw their fingers in the morning from remorse
٧. كَم مُجرِمٍ قَضَتِ الذُنوبُ بِحَتفِهِ
فَغَدا يَعَضُّ بَنانَهُ مِن حَيفِهِ
8. You gave him safety from his fear as if he
Has entered the inviolable sanctum of his dread
٨. أَمَّنتَهُ مِن خَوفِهِ فَكَأَنَّهُ
قَد حَلَّ في الإِحرامِ مَسجِدَ خَيفِهِ