
When your enemies learn of my departure from you

إذا علم العدا عنك انتقالي

1. When your enemies learn of my departure from you
Take whatever is said of me as you wish

١. إِذا عَلِمَ العِدا عَنكَ اِنتِقالي
فَخُذ ما شِئتَ مِن قيلٍ وَقالِ

2. They have maligned me with words
But we have paid them no heed

٢. وَنالوا مِنكَ بِالأَقوالِ عِرضاً
وَقَيناهُ بِأَطرافِ العَوالي

3. The slanderer wished I would
Make light of him with my speech

٣. وَقَد كانَ العَذولُ يَوَدُّ أَنّي
أُسيغُ لَهُ اليَسيرَ مِنَ المَقالِ

4. How will he feel now, convinced of my devotion to you
Happy that I pay him no attention

٤. فَكَيفَ إِذا تَيَقَّنَ فيكَ زُهدي
وَكانَ يَسُرُّهُ عَنكَ اِشتِغالي

5. How the people resent you, yet you are content
How cheap are flatterers, yet you are priceless

٥. فَكَم سَخِطَ الأَنامُ وَأَنتَ راضٍ
وَكَم رَخُصَ المِلاحُ وَأَنتَ غالي

6. How many glories of my people were ruined
By calamities that shake even mountains, yet you stand tall

٦. وَكَم هَدَمَت حِمى قَومي خُطوبٌ
تَهُدُّ الراسِياتِ وَأَنتَ عالي

7. How many times, when your enemies wronged me
I vowed to sacrifice my blood and wealth

٧. وَكَم مِن وَقعَةٍ لِعِداكَ عِندي
نَذَرتُ بِها دَمي وَنَذَرتُ مالي

8. How often the curs stirred to attack
While lions protected the sanctity of gazelles

٨. وَكَم هَمَّت كِلابُ الحَيِّ نَهضاً
وَقَد حَمَتِ الأُسودُ حِمى الغَزالِ

9. How my clan blamed you
I'd think my family's words enlightened

٩. وَكَم لامَت عَليكَ سَراةُ أَهلي
فَأَحسَبُ قَولَ آلي لَمعَ آلِ

10. How I risked myself for you
Knowing my affliction stems from you

١٠. وَكَم خاطَرتُ فوكَ بِبَذلِ نَفسي
وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّ بالي فيكَ بالي

11. How many glimpsed good fortune in a loved one
But for me, my love brought no fortune

١١. وَكَم صَبٍّ تَفاءَلَ في حَبيبٍ
وَفى لي إِنَّ حِبّي ما وَفى لي

12. How many fair ones I tried before you
Yet my state with them became my state with you

١٢. وَكَم جَرَّبتُ قَبلَكَ مِن مَليحٍ
فَأَمسى جيدُ حالِيَ مِنهُ حالي

13. But for the merit in trying,
The right would not exceed the left

١٣. وَلَولا أَنَّ في التَجريبِ فَضلاً
لَما فَضُلَ اليَمينُ عَلى الشِمالِ

14. I think that in your perfect beauty
And as you embody all aspects of beauty

١٤. أَظُنُّكَ إِذ حَوَيتَ الحُسنَ طُرّاً
وَإِذ وَفَّيتَ أَقسامَ الجَمالِ

15. You sought to make imperfection a flaw
Lest the evil eye mar your perfection

١٥. قَصَدتَ بِأَن جَعَلتَ العُذرَ عَيباً
عَساهُ يَقيكَ مِن عَينِ الكَمالِ

16. So I will wrong myself by leaving you
To delight you by my absence

١٦. فَسَوفَ أَسوءُ نَفسي بِاِنقِطاعي
بِحيثُ أُسِرُّ نَفسَكَ بِاِرتِحالي

17. If you wish to console a lover
Then count the nights without him aplenty

١٧. إِذا ما شِئتَ أَن تَسلو حَبيباً
فَأَكثِر دونَهُ عَدَدَ اللَيالي