
From a weeping lover whose passion lies low

من عاشق ناء هواه دان

1. From a weeping lover whose passion lies low
Whose silent tears speak of untold woe

١. مِن عاشِقٍ ناءٍ هَواهُ دانِ
ناطِقِ دَمعٍ صامِتِ اللِسانِ

2. With bound heart yet body unconfined
Tormented by rejection, love unkind

٢. مَوثَقِ قَلبٍ مُطلَقِ الجُثمانِ
مُعَذَّبٍ بِالصَدِّ وَالهِجرانِ

3. Freely tears flow though captured his heart
For no sin his hands have played a part

٣. طَليقِ دَمعٍ قَلبُهُ في أَسرِ
مِن غَيرِ ذَنبٍ كَسَبَت يَداهُ

4. Save a love flourished in his eyes
Longing to see the one who agonized

٤. غَيرَ هَوىً نَمَّت بِهِ عَيناهُ
شَوقاً إِلى رُؤيَةِ مَن أَشقاهُ

5. As though healed by the one who traumatized
For the root of his harm and benefit the same

٥. كَأَنَّما عافاهُ مَن أَبلاهُ
إِذ كانَ أَصلُ نَفعِهِ وَالضِرِّ

6. Alas for the lover and the tears he did cry
Overflowing like heavy rain from a laden sky

٦. يا وَيحَهُ مِن عاشِقٍ ما يَلقي
مِن أَدمُعٍ مَنهَلَّةٍ ما تَرقا

7. Melting away consumed by love and fervent desire
Lost in deep thought beyond thought he expired

٧. ذابَ إِلى أَن كادَ يَفنى عِشقا
وَعَن دَقيقِ الفِكرِ عَنهُ دَقّا

8. Vanishing almost from thought however considered
Naught remained save eyes overflowing with sorrow

٨. فَكادَ يَخفى عَن دَقيقِ الفِكرِ
لَم يَبقَ مِنهُ غَيرَ طَرفٍ يَبكي

9. With tears like beads strung on a wire
Dousing fires of love and fanning its pyre

٩. بِأَدمُعٍ مِثلِ نِظامِ السِلكِ
يُخمِدُ نيرانَ الهَوى وَيُذكي

10. As if rain drops from heaven inspired
Nay, for Qais blood shed not for a tear

١٠. كَأَنَّها قَطرَ السَماءِ تَحكي
هَيهاتَ هَل قيسَ دَمٌ بِقَطرِ

11. For a doe-eyed Christian girl there did he pine
Surpassing all maids in beauty divine

١١. إِلى غَزالٍ مِن بَني النَصارى
فَضَّلَ بِالحُسنِ عَلى العَذارى

12. All people bewildered since time began
Captured by love – slaves to her command

١٢. كُلُّ الوَرى مِنذُ نَشا حَيارى
في رِبقَةِ الحُبِّ لَهُ أَسارى

13. Citing the words of a wise man well versed in love
Amro I adjure you in Christ's name

١٣. يُنشِدُ قَولَ مُدرِكٍ في عَمرِو
يا عَمرُو ناشَدتُكَ بِالمَسيحِ

14. To heed the advice which I now proclaim
From a heart that is wounded and nursing its pain

١٤. أَلّا سَمِعتَ القَولَ مِن نَصيحِ
يُعرِبُ عَن قَلبٍ لَهُ جَريحِ

15. For in love there is no comfort or gain
Like a heart unrestrained and refusing the rein

١٥. لَيسَ مِنَ الحُبِّ بِمُستَريحِ
كَسيرِ قَلبٍ ما لَهُ مِن جَبرِ

16. Amro, I swear by the true theology grand
By the Spirit, the Holy Ghost, and by Christ the Son of Man

١٦. يا عَمرُو بِالحَقِّ مِنَ اللاهوتِ
وَالروحِ روحِ القُدسِ وَالناسوتِ

17. He who was gifted with traits no other ever began
To speak from the crib, then to silence succumb

١٧. ذاكَ الَّذي خَصَّ مِنَ النِعوتِ
بِالنُطقِ في المَهدِ وَبِالسِكوتِ

18. Raising the dead from their graves when life was done
By the man born of Mary yet Son of the Lord

١٨. وَأَنشَرَ المَيتَ بِبَطنِ القَبرِ
بِحَقِّ ناسوتٍ بِبَطنِ مَريَمِ

19. After death dressed in garments deserved as reward
And was pious and faithful – blameless applauded

١٩. حَلَّ مَحَلَّ الروحِ مِنها في الفَمِ
ثُمَّ اِستَحالَ في القَنومِ الأَقدَمِ

20. Healing the blind and the lepers when called
By the miracles granted and signs He bestowed

٢٠. يُكَلِّمُ الناسَ وَلَمّا يُفطَمِ
مُصَرِّحاً عَن أُمِّهِ بِالعُذرِ

21. By the master of birds brought to life yet again
And the dead raised from tombs among women and men

٢١. بِحَقِّ مَن بَعدَ المَماتِ قُمَّصا
ثَوباً عَلى مِقدارِهِ ما قُصِّصا

22. To whom all matters will come to pass and then end
He knows all on land and in oceans depth extend

٢٢. وَكانَ لِلَّهِ تَقِياً مُخلِصاً
وَمُبرِئاً مِن أَكمِهِ وَأَبرَصا

23. However fate's judgment may shift or may bend
By those kneeling devoted in prayer day and night

٢٣. بِما لَديهِ مِن خَفِيَّ السِرِّ
بِحَقِّ مُحيِي صورَةِ الطُيورِ

24. In the lofty cathedrals awash in pale light
Weeping when all are asleep as darkness takes flight

٢٤. بِالنَفخِ في المَوتى وَفي القُبورِ
وَمَن إِلَيهِ مَرجِعُ الأُمورِ

25. Fearing God with plentiful tears glimmering bright
Shunning earthly pleasures their whole lifelong plight

٢٥. يَعلَمُ ما في البَرِّ وَالبُحورِ
وَما بِهِ صَرفُ القَضاءِ يَجري

26. By the monks tonsured and garbed in their robes
Enduring privation content in their homes

٢٦. بِحَقِّ مَن في شامِخِ الصَوامِعِ
مِن ساجِدٍ لِرَبِّهِ وَراكِعِ

27. Ringing bells as if heaven avowed
Lighting candles for Jesus aloud

٢٧. يَبكي إِذا ما نامَ كُلِّ هاجِعِ
خوفاً مِنَ اللَهِ بِدَمعٍ هامِعِ

28. True in secret and public they vowed
By Mary, mother of Christ, and disciple named Paul

٢٨. وَيَهجُرُ اللَذّاتِ طولَ العُمرِ
بِحَقِّ قَومٍ حَلَقوا الرُؤوسا

29. By Simon the Zealot and Peter the Rock standing tall
By Daniel, by Jonah, by saints before the Fall

٢٩. وَعالَجوا طولَ الحَياةِ بوسا
وَقَرَعوا في البَيعَةِ الناقوسا

30. By Ezekiel, Jerusalem, prophets and all
The devoted whose hearts were expansive and broad

٣٠. مُشَمعِلينَ يَعبُدونَ عيسى
قَد أَخلَصوا في سِرِّهِم وَالجَهرِ

31. By Nineveh humbled and pleading His grace
Repenting his sins, seeking God's loving face

٣١. بِحَقِّ ماري مَريَمٍ وَبولُسِ
بِحَقِّ شَمعونَ الصَفا وَبُطرُسِ

32. Burdens all lifted, transgressions erased
Favored by God as compassion He did trace

٣٢. بِحَقِّ دانيلٍ وَحَقِّ يونُسِ
بِحَقِّ حَزقيلَ وَبَيتِ المَقدِسِ

33. When from his Lord fortitude he did embrace
By myrrh's medicinal might over madness and fear

٣٣. وَكُلَّ أَوّابٍ رَحيبِ الصَدرِ
وَنينَوى إِذ قامَ يَدعو رَبَّهُ

34. By blessings of olives and dates every year
By the fertility of verdant land far and near

٣٤. مُطَهِّراً مِن كُلِّ ذَنبٍ قَلبَهُ
وَمُستَقيلٍ فَأُقيلَ ذَنبُهُ

35. By Simon's account that we frequently hear
By exalted feasts Easter, Cross, and Ramadan

٣٥. وَنالَ مِن أَبيهِ ما أَحَبَّهُ
إِذ رامَ مِن مَولاهُ شَدَّ الأَزرِ

36. By Mary's Day honored, Ashamouny time span
By triumphal Palm Sunday, noble in fame

٣٦. بِحَقِّ ما في قُلَّةِ المَيرونِ
مِن نافِعِ الأَدواءِ لِلجُنونِ

37. Seasons that bar women heavy with child
By Isaiah, incense that make babies mild

٣٧. بِحَقِّ ما يُؤثَرُ عَن شَمعونِ
مِن بَرَكاتِ النَخلِ وَالزَيتونِ

38. That cure every illness that weakens or riles
Dispelling evil toxins from joints and blood vials

٣٨. خِصبِ البِلادِ في السِنينَ الغُبرِ
بِحَقِّ أَعيادِ الصَليبِ الزُهرِ

39. For no affliction can thwart it or beguile
By seventy saints of exemplary style

٣٩. وَعيدِ مارِيّا الرَفيعِ الذِكرِ
وَعيدِ أَشموني وَعيدِ الفِطرِ

40. Who spread our faith far and wide with their toil
Guiding the lost until all were reconciled

٤٠. وَبِالشَعانينِ الجَليلِ القَدرِ
مَواسِمٌ تَمنَعُ حَملَ الإِصرِ

41. Until truth prevailed and falsehood reviled
By the twelve tribes who set out with a smile

٤١. وَعيدِ اَشَعيا وَبِالهَياكِلِ
وَالدُخَنِ اللاتي لِوَضعِ الحامِلِ

42. And walked the straight path reciting God's words
Till dawn broke and darkness disappeared

٤٢. يَشفى بِها مِن كُلِّ خَبلٍ خابِلِ
وَمِن دَخيلِ السُمِّ في المَفاصِلِ

43. Favored by God, by His grace persevered
Giving thanks, His great gifts they endeared

٤٣. لِكَونِها مِن كُلِّ داءٍ تَبري
بِحَقِّ سَبعينَ مِنَ العِبادِ

44. By the unchanging Gospels' decree
Of forbidden and permissible, we agree

٤٤. قاموا بِدينِ اللَهِ في البِلادِ
وَأَرشَدوا الناسَ إِلى الرَشادِ

45. By the virgin Mary, Joseph venerable and free
Generations ago and those yet to be

٤٥. حَتّى اِهتَدى مَن لَم يَكُن بِالهادي
وَحَقَّقَ الحَقُّ بِكَشفِ السَترِ

46. With wisdom gained and passed hand to hand
By Mar Aba the pious, esteemed for his care

٤٦. بِحَقِّ الإِثني عَشَرَ مِنَ الأُمَمِ
ساروا إِلى الرَحمَنِ يَتلونَ الحِكَم

47. By Luke the wise man judicious and fair
The martyred, the saints free of earthly snare

٤٧. حَتّى إِذا صُبَحُ الهُدى جَلّا الظُلَم
صاروا إِلى اللَهِ فَفازوا بِالنِعَم

48. All people of virtue, compassion they share
Fasting or feasting they equally bear

٤٨. ثُمَّ اِستَداموها بِفَرطِ الشُكرِ
بِحَقِّ ما في مُحكَمِ الإِنجيلِ

49. By baptismal water that washes our shame
And altars where candles burn bright as day flame

٤٩. مِن مُنزَلِ التَحريمِ وَالتَحليلِ
وَبِالبَتولِ وَالأَبِ الهَيولي

50. Where monks in their habit God's mystery acclaim
Weeping, praying, their devotion proclaim

٥٠. بِحَقِّ جيلٍ قَد مَضى وَجيلِ
يُسنَدُ زَيدٌ عِلمَهُ عَن عَمرِو

51. Tears flowing by night and dispersing by day
By your casual meeting on Sundays to preach

٥١. بِحَقِّ مارعَبدا التَقِيَّ الصالِحِ
بِحَقِّ لوقا بِالحَكيمِ الراجِحِ

52. Sipping coffee and conversing, just out of reach
With dark eyes whose depth no man's wisdom can breach

٥٢. وَالشُهَداءِ بِالفَلا الصَحاصِحِ
مِن كُلِّ غادٍ مِنهُمُ وَرائِحِ

53. Cutting hearts without care with nary reproach
Leaving lovers bereft devoid of approach

٥٣. مُعتَبِرٌ في صَومِهِ وَالفِطرِ
بِحَقِّ مَعمودِيَّةِ الأَرواحِ

54. By Simon and the praise he does teach
Glorifying God with perspective and speech

٥٤. وَالمَذبَحِ المَعمورِ في النَواحي
وَمَن بِهِ مِن لابِسِ الأَمساحِ

55. Each scholar versed in interpreting screed
Trustworthy, revered for his wisdom and deed

٥٥. مِن راهِبٍ باكٍ وَمِن نَوّاحِ
يَذرِفُ لَيلاً دَمعَهُ وَيُذري

56. His guidance we follow, his words we give heed
Two elders, fountains of knowledge and care

٥٦. بِحَقِّ تَقريبِكَ في الآحادِ
وَشُربِكَ القَهوَةَ كَالفِرصادِ

57. Pillars of wisdom, patience, justice they bear
Speaking only words thoughtful and fair

٥٧. وَما بِعَينَيكَ مِنَ السَوادِ
بِطولِ تَقطيعِكَ لِلأَكبادِ

58. Their death gave new life, dissolving despair
Announced by the scholars their virtues laid bare

٥٨. وَسَلبِكَ العُشّاقَ حَسنَ الصَبرِ
بِحَقِّ شَمعونَ وَما يَرويهِ

59. By the bishop, the patriarch, learned guide
The priest and the deacon who grace preside

٥٩. بِالحَمدِ لِلَّهِ وَبِالتَنزيهِ
وَكُلِّ ناموسٍ لَهُ فَقيهِ

60. The catholicos supreme, monastics who reside
The saintly elite of repute far and wide

٦٠. مُؤتَمَنٍ في دينِهِ وَجيهِ
مُتَّبَعٍ في نَهيِهِ وَالأَمرِ

61. Adorned with all virtues both inward and outside
By the hermit secluded on the mountain height

٦١. شَيخَينِ كانا مِن شُيوخِ العِلمِ
وَبَعضِ أَركانِ التُقى وَالحِلمِ

62. By Luke in his prayers imploring with might
By the Christ whom we cherish, his deeds recite

٦٢. لَم يَنطِقا قَطُّ بِغَيرِ الفَهمِ
مَوتُهُما كانَ حَياةَ الخَصمِ

63. By churches established since ancient time
Where scriptures are read and God's praise chimed

٦٣. وَعَنهُما أَخبَرَ كُلَّ حِبرِ
بِحُرمَةِ الأُسقُفِّ بِالمُطرانِ

64. By each scholar versed in interpreting deed
Guiding all people though himself less than freed

٦٤. وَالجاثِليقِ العالِمِ الرَبّاني
وَالقِسِّ وَالشَمّاسِ وَالغُفرانِ

65. By the Lent fast, most honored rite indeed
And the birth of Christ, Son of Mary with speed

٦٥. وَالبَطرَكِ الأَكبَرِ وَالرَهبانِ
وَالمُقرَبانِ ذي الخِصالِ الزُهرِ

66. From the noble bloodline of lineage supreme
By the day of sacrifice shining bright

٦٦. بِحُرمَةِ المَحبوسِ في أَعلى الجَبَل
بِحَقِّ لوقا حينَ صَلّى وَاِبتَهَل

67. The nativity night glittering light
By true gold unfading – no paper in sight

٦٧. وَبِالمَسيحِ المُرتَضى وَما فَعَل
وَبِالكَنيساتِ القَديماتِ الأُوَل

68. By Easter, O noble one mannered aright
Every hallowed feast day magnificent in might

٦٨. وَبِالَّذي يُتلى بِها مِن ذِكرِ
بِكُلِّ ناموسٍ لَهُ مُقَدَّمِ

69. Could you not gentler be with a man of letters
Whose love keeps him far from the one he loves better

٦٩. يُعَلِّمُ الناسَ وَلَما يَعلَمِ
بِحُرمَةِ الصَومِ الكَبيرِ الأَعظَمِ

70. Melting with yearning for his sweetheart's tender
Though easiest to reach, highest esteem the fetter

٧٠. وَما حَوى الميلادُ لِاِبنِ مَريَمِ
مِن شَرَقٍ سامٍ عَظيمِ الفَخرِ

71. With excellent morals and character on par
My prince, consider now my condition

٧١. بِحَقِّ يَومِ الذَبحِ في الإِشراقِ
وَلَيلَةِ الميلادِ وَالسُلاقِ

72. Rewarding my devotion beyond all measure
Gaining your gratitude, bountiful treasure

٧٢. بِالذَهَبِ الإِبريزِ لا الأَوراقِ
بِالفِصحِ يا مُهَذَّبَ الأَخلاقِ

73. In prose and in verse forever my pleasure
For my writings find in you their meter and rhyme

٧٣. وَكُلِّ ميقاتٍ جَليلِ القَدرِ
أَلّا سَعَيتَ في رِضى أَديبِ

٧٤. باعَدَهُ الحُبُّ عَنِ الحَبيبِ
فَذابَهُ شَوقاً إِلى المُذيبِ

٧٥. أَعلى مُناهُ أَيسَرُ القَريبِ
مِن بَسطِ أَخلاقٍ وَحُسنِ بِشرِ

٧٦. وَاِنظُر أَميري في صَلاحِ أَمري
مُحتَسِباً فَيَّ عَظيمَ الأَجرِ

٧٧. مُكتَسِباً مِنّي جَميلَ الشُكرِ
في نَظمِ أَلفاظِ وَنَظمِ شِعرِ

٧٨. فَفيكَ نَظمي أَبَداً وَنَثري