
O you of pride and ruler of the age

أيا ذا الفخر وملك العصر

1. O you of pride and ruler of the age
And lofty dignity over both eagles

١. أَيا ذا الفَخرِ وَمَلكَ العَصرِ
وَسامي القَدرِ عَلى النِسرَينِ

2. And lord of generosity and beauty of giving
And who ruled both lifetimes with justice

٢. وَرَبَّ الفَضلِ وَجَمَّ البَذلِ
وَمَن بِالعَدلِ حَكى العُمَرَينِ

3. I see lights from the luminaries
Like fire they appeared to the eye

٣. أَرى الأَنوارَ مِن النُوّارِ
شَبيهَ النارِ بَدَت لِلعَينِ

4. So get up after the rising of happiness
For the promise is like a debt

٤. فَقُم مِن بَعدِ نُهوضِ السَعدِ
فَإِنَّ الوَعدَ شَبيهُ الدَينِ

5. Take pleasures from the times
And leave what has passed before separation

٥. خُذِ اللَذّاتِ مِنَ الأَوقاتِ
وَدَع ما فاتَ قُبَيلَ البَينِ

6. And get up so we can relax with drinking wine
For to the cups their adornment is beauty

٦. وَقُم نَرتاحُ لِشُربِ الراحِ
فَلِلأَقداحِ سَناها زَينِ

7. From Monday to Monday
To Monday to Monday

٧. مِنَ الإِثنَينِ إِلى الإِثنَينِ
إِلى الإِثنَينِ إِلى الإِثنَينِ