1. In love like yours, reproach is not seemly,
People are but enemies of what they do not know.
١. في مِثلِ حُبِّكُمُ لا يَحسُنُ العَذَلُ
وَإِنَّما الناسُ أَعداءٌ لِما جَهِلوا
2. They saw my perplexed thoughts about your qualities,
So they talked at length when stratagems failed me.
٢. رَأَوا تَحَيُّرَ فِكري في صِفاتِكُمُ
فَأَوسَعوا القَولَ إِذ ضاقَت بِيَ الحِيَلُ
3. Since they knew of my knowledge in love for you,
They excused me after reproaching.
٣. وَأَنَّهُم عَرَفوا في الحُبِّ مَعرِفَتي
بِشَأنِكُم عَذَروا مِن بَعدِ ما عَذَلوا
4. O you who began my news with estrangement,
No conjunction in you and no substitution for me.
٤. يا جاعِلي خَبَري بِالهَجرِ مُبتَدَأً
لا عَطفَ فيكُم وَلا لي مِنكُمُ بَدَلُ
5. I raised my state which cannot be raised,
To you, though it can accommodate distinction.
٥. رَفَعتُ حالي وَرَفعُ الحالِ مُمتَنِعٌ
إِلَيكُمُ وَهوَ لِلتَمييزِ يَحتَمِلُ
6. How much have I concealed my passion for you, not divulging it,
Yet the matter appears and news spreads.
٦. كَم قَد كَتَمتُ هَواكُم لا أَبوحُ بِهِ
وَالأَمرُ يَظهَرُ وَالأَخبارُ تَنتَقِلُ
7. I moan my sorrow and yearning for you in secret,
Deluded that the wound will heal.
٧. وَبِتُّ أُخفي أَنيني وَالحَنينَ بِكُم
تَوَهُّماً أَنَّ ذاكَ الجُرحَ يَندَمِلُ
8. What is the way to hide my love for you,
When my heart is tossed about and my mind confined?
٨. كَيفَ السَبيلُ إِلى إِخفاءِ حُبِّكُمُ
وَالقَلبُ مُنقَلِبٌ وَالعَقلُ مُعتَقَلُ
9. O you who clothed my heart in the garment of sorrow after them,
My sorrow is withered and my patience after you has declined.
٩. يا مُلبِسي القَلبِ ثَوبَ الحُزنِ بَعدَهُمُ
حُزني قَشيبٌ وَصَبري بَعدَكُم سَمِلُ
10. So the dawns of my days after your absence
Are tumultuous while their mornings after you are tranquil.
١٠. لِذا بَواكِرُ أَيّامي لِبُعدِكُمُ
أَصائِلٌ وَضُحاها بَعدَكُم طَفَلُ
11. You gave me your word, a promise and favor,
No word is believed until the deed issues.
١١. أَحسَنتُمُ القَولَ لي وَعداً وَتَكرِمَةً
لا يَصدُقُ القَولُ حَتّى يَصدُرَ العَمَلُ
12. Until my soul felt secure in your promise,
And I said 'Good tidings!' fear and anxiety vanished.
١٢. حَتّى إِذا وَثِقَت نَفسي بِمَوعِدِكُم
وَقُلتُ بُشرايَ زالَ الخَوفُ وَالوَجَلُ
13. You burdened me beyond my weakness with your strength,
What neither easy nor difficult can bear.
١٣. حَمَّلتُموني عَلى ضُعفي لِقُوَّتِكُم
مالَيسَ يَحمِلُهُ سَهلٌ وَلا جَبَلُ
14. Our days belong to God, and the abode is finite,
The community united and the gathering brought together.
١٤. لِلَّهِ أَيّامُنا وَالدارُ دانِيَةٌ
وَالشَملُ مُجتَمِعٌ وَالجَمعُ مُشتَمِلُ
15. I revealed the bitterness of my heart and the sorrow in it,
So today my bitterness is not cured nor the sorrows.
١٥. شَفَيتُ غُلَّةَ قَلبي وَالغَليلَ بِها
فَاليَومَ لا غُلَّتي تَشفى وَلا الغَلَلُ
16. Blessed was the breath of well-being when it blew,
Sickly in the margins of her veil, wet.
١٦. يا حَبَّذا نَسمَةُ السَعدِيِّ حينَ سَرَت
مَريضَةً في حَواشي مِرطِها بَلَلُ
17. May God not make desolate a people after their absence!
I have come to envy whoever can use kohl.
١٧. لا أَوحَشَ اللَهُ مِن قَومٍ لِبُعدِهِمُ
أَمسَيتُ أَحسُدُ مَن بِالغَمضِ يَكتَحِلُ
18. They left while my glances represent them
Because they have settled in the conscience of my heart.
١٨. غابوا وَأَلحاظُ أَفكاري تُمَثِّلُهُم
لِأَنَّهُم في ضَميرِ القَلبِ قَد نَزَلوا
19. They traveled and so after them have slain me in sorrow,
Would that they had taken along the slain with the riders!
١٩. ساروا وَقَد قَتَلوني بَعدَهُم أَسفاً
يا لَيتَهُم أَسَروا في الرَكبِ مَن قَتَلوا
20. And left me clenching my palms in regret
And crying copiously when stratagems diminished.
٢٠. وَخَلَّفوني أَعُضُّ الكَفَّ مِن نَدَمٍ
وَأَكثِرُ النَوحَ لَمّا قَلَّتِ الحِيَلُ
21. I say in their wake while my eyes shed blood
And tears pour relentlessly from them.
٢١. أَقولُ في إِثرِهِم وَالعَينُ دامِيَةٌ
وَالدَمعُ مُنهَمِرٌ مِنها وَمُنهَمِلُ
22. My loved ones have not accustomed me to being cut off,
Rather, they accustomed me that if I cut them off, they join me.
٢٢. ما عَوَّدوني أَحِبّائي مُقاطَعَةً
بَل عَوَّدوني إِذا قاطَعتُهُم وَصَلوا
23. I walked in their track, wandering and searching,
While the night birds from craving sing and trill.
٢٣. وُسِرتُ في إِثرِهُم حَيرانَ مُرتَمِضاً
وَالعيسُ مِن طَلِّها تَحفى وَتَنتَعِلُ
24. You see the gait of theTracking feminine; she strides
Past clouds unhurriedly and unrestrained.
٢٤. تُريكَ مَشيَ الهُوَينا وَهيَ مُسرِعَةٌ
مَرَّ السَحابَةِ لا رَيثٌ وَلا عَجَلُ
25. Do not attribute to the mid-morning the separation between them
For those became mid-morning when their camels were stabled.
٢٥. لا تَنسِبَنَّ إِلى الغِربانِ بَينَهُمُ
فَذاكَ بَينَ غَدَت غِربانُهُ الإِبِلُ
26. In howdahs are concealed moons,
Bashful, carried by the docile, submissive.
٢٦. وَفي الهَوادِجِ أَقمارٌ مُحَجَّبَةٌ
أَغَرَّةٌ حَمَلَتها الأَينُقُ الذَلُلُ
27. Those are the constellations where they lodged,
In them, not Taurus or Aries.
٢٧. تِلكَ البُروجُ الَّتي حَلَّت بُدورُهُمُ
فيها وَلَيسَ بِها ثَورٌ وَلا حَمَلُ
28. The night birds' dispute with ringing, warbling voice,
Below it are the twittering and the chirping.
٢٨. وَحَجَّتِ العيسَ حادٍ صَوتُهُ غَرِدٌ
بِنَغمَةٍ دونَها المَزمومُ وَالرَمَلُ
29. It greeted them then bid their night birds goodbye playfully,
Saying, "Farewell, O camel!" merrily.
٢٩. حَدا بِهِم ثُمَّ حَيّا عيسَهُم مَرَحاً
وَقالَ سِر مُسرِعاً حُيّيتَ ياجَمَلُ
30. Would that the greeting had been for me to thank him
Instead of "Fare well, O camel!" "Fare well, O man!"
٣٠. لَيتَ التَحَيَّةَ كا نَت لي فَأَشكُرَها
مَكانَ يا جَمَلٌ حُيِّتَ يا رَجُلُ