1. I obeyed what my enemies decreed
And they saw you satisfied with my anger
١. أَطَعتُ ما سَنَّ أَعدائي وَما فَرَضوا
وَشاهَدوكَ بِسُخطي راضِياً فَرَضوا
2. They rejoiced when they saw our separation in factions
And they rejected the Sunnah of justice in the religion of passion
٢. تَشَيَّعوا إِذ رَأوا تَفريقَنا شِيَعاً
وَسُنَّةَ العَدلِ في دينِ الهَوى رَفَضوا
3. Their efforts between us wearied them for a period
So when they saw an opportunity between us they rose up
٣. أَعياهُمُ السَعيُ فيما بَينَنا زَمَناً
فَمُذ رَأوا فُرصَةً في بَينَنا نَهَضوا
4. They built for you a building with no stability
And they did not know what affection between us they destroyed
٤. بَنوا لَديكَ بِناءً لا ثَباتَ لَهُ
وَما دَروا أَيَّ وُدٍّ بَينَنا نَقَضوا
5. O you who frowns at me when I befriend him
And extend my hopes so he recoils
٥. يا مَن تُقَطِّبُ مِنّي حينَ أَمنَحُهُ
أُنساً وَأَبسَطُ آمالي فَيَنقَبِضُ
6. And whoever confronts me until I oppose him
One day, so he turns away from me then objects to me
٦. وَمَن تَعَرَّضَ لي حَتّى أُعارِضُهُ
يَوماً فَيُعرِضُ عَنّي ثُمَّ يَعتَرِضُ
7. May Allah not bless the enemies through you
Nor is there anyone among them who can compensate for you
٧. لا بارَكَ اللَهُ لِلأَعداءِ فيكَ وَلا
هَناكَ مَن لَكَ عَنّي مِنهُمُ العِوَضُ
8. Nor did I transgress in trusting them
Nor did anything they lowered among people rise from you
٨. وَلا تَعَدّى لِظُلمي في الوُثوقِ بِهِم
وَلا عَلا مِنكَ بَينَ الناسِ ما خَفَضوا
9. So you will know my worth when their souls are named
And the purpose of your connection has expired
٩. فَسَوفَ تَعرِفُ مِقداري إِذا سَمِيَت
نُفوسُهُم وَاِنقَضى مِن وَصلِكَ الغَرَضُ