1. I obeyed the caller of passion, though unwilling,
When we descended upon Na'urat al-'Asi
١. أَطَعتُ داعي الهَوى رَغماً عَلى العاصي
لَمّا نَزَلنا عَلى ناعورَةِ العاصي
2. And I was preoccupied with its meanings and people
Distracted from the people of Sha'lan and Baghras
٢. وَباتَ لي بِمَغاني أَهلِها وَبِها
شُغلانِ عَن أَهلِ شَعلانٍ وَبَغراصِ
3. The wind blows gently above its stream
While the birds fly between the builder and diver
٣. وَالريحُ تَجري رُخاءً فَوقَ جَدوَلِها
وَالطَيرُ ما بَينَ بَنّاءٍ وَغَوّاصِ
4. The branches of the palm tree have intertwined
As if the birds above were in cages
٤. وَقَد تَلاقَت فُروعُ الدَوحِ وَاِشتَبَكَت
كَأَنَّما الطَيرُ مِنها فَوقَ أَقفاصِ
5. Wine circulates pure red among us
Gifts from Yazid and the clan of al-'Asi
٥. تُدارُ ما بَينَنا حَمراءُ صافِيَةٌ
كانَت هَدايا يَزيدٍ مِن بَني العاصِ
6. With a necklace, earrings, and belt
And a flask with bags and pouches
٦. مَع شادِنٍ رُبَّ أَقراطٍ وَمِنطَقَةٍ
وَقَينَةٍ ذاتِ أَحجالٍ وَأَخراصِ
7. I bring it near and he playfully turns his cheek
As if it were a partridge in a hunter's palm
٧. تُدنيهِ كَفّي فَيَثني جيدَهُ مَرَحاً
كَأَنَّهُ جُؤذَرٌ في كَفِّ قَنّاصِ
8. We have among us many a singer and dancing girl
Who entices, and a tambourine player who excites and awakens
٨. وَكَم لَدينا بِها شادٍ وَشادِيَةٍ
تُشجي وَراقِصَةٍ تَعصو وَرَقّاصِ
9. When the breeze of dance sways her from delight
You are amazed by the shaking branches and trunks
٩. إِذا ثَناها نَسيمُ الرَقصِ مِن مَرَحٍ
عَجِبتَ مِن هَزِّ أَغصانٍ وَأَدعاصِ
10. O you who crosses the desert, winding it over dunes
Leaving nothing but traces and figures
١٠. يا قاطِعَ البيدِ يَطويها عَلى نُجُبٍ
لَم تُبقِ مِنها الفَيافي غَيرَ أَشخاصِ
11. When you arrive with it on the shore of the Euphrates
Turning away from the water of Hawran and Qays
١١. إِذا وَرَدتَ بِها شاطي الفُراتِ وَقَد
نَكَّبتَ عَن ماءِ حَورانٍ وَقَيّاصِ
12. Reward with the splendid robe, sparkling,
Like a flock Awsad the lion of 'Ayyas terrified
١٢. وَجُزتَ بِالحِلَّةِ الفَيحاءِ مُلتَمِحاً
آرامَ سِربٍ حَمَتها أُسدُ عَيّاصِ
13. Stop at its blessed camp, its origin
Sa'd bin Mazid, not Sa'd bin Waqqas
١٣. فَقِف بِسَعدَيِّها المَشكورِ مَنشَأُهُ
سَعدِ بنِ مَزيدَ لا سَعدِ بنِ وَقّاصِ
14. Convey greetings to those who camped in its valley
Describe my praise, longing, and loyalty
١٤. وَاِقرَ السَلامَ عَلى مَن حَلَّ ساحَتَهُ
وَصِف ثَنائي وَأَشواقي وَإِخلاصي
15. And inform that even if I spend my mornings lovesick
And my worth increases after being debased
١٥. وَأَخبِرُ بِأَنّي وَإِن أَصبَحتُ مُبتَنِياً
مَجداً وَأُغلي قَدري بَعدَ إِرخاصي
16. My passion for you pours to you, with love of you
Loyal to the near and far
١٦. صابٍ إِلى نَحوِكُم صَبٌّ بِحُبِّكُم
مُحافِظُ الوُدِّ لِلدّاني وَلِلقاصي