
Not everyone whose reputation amongst people is good

ما كل من حسنت في الناس سمعته

1. Not everyone whose reputation amongst people is good
And who possesses an intelligent heart can attain hope

١. ما كُلُّ مَن حَسُنَت في الناسِ سُمعَتُهُ
وَحازَ قَلباً ذَكيّاً أَدرَكَ الأَمَلا

2. Reputation and the heart are not inherent virtues in you
Unless you have valor like this and excellence like that

٢. ما السَمعُ وَالقَلبُ مُدنٍ مِنكَ مَنقَبَةً
إِن لَم يَكُن مِثلُ ذا بَأساً وَذاكَ عُلا