
In you the trait of stinginess has hardened into stone

تحجر فيك طبع الشح يبسا

1. In you the trait of stinginess has hardened into stone
For your hand upon it remains tightly clenched

١. تَحَجَّرَ فيكَ طَبعُ الشُحِّ يَبساً
وَذاكَ لِأَنَّ كَفَّكَ فيهِ قَبضُ

2. How much have I stirred it with the wine of reproach
Yet it swears it will not respond or soften

٢. وَكَم حَرَّكتُهُ بِشَرابِ عَتبٍ
فَأَقسَمَ لا يُجيبُ وَلا يَنُضُّ

3. And ever since you raised your voice against me as proof
The consequence was that your status in my eyes was lowered

٣. وَمِنذُ رَفَعتَ صَوتَكَ لي دَليلاً
فَكانَ لِنَصبِ قَدرِكَ مِنهُ خَفضُ

4. I realized that your mind was confused
Thick and not to be loosened or softened

٤. عَلِمتُ بِأَنَّ رَأسَكَ فيهِ خِلطٌ
غَليظٌ لا يُحَلُّ وَلا يُفَضُّ

5. He who has these symptoms
And no nobility is known of him

٥. وَمَن تَكُ هَذِهِ الأَعراضُ فيهِ
وَلَم يُعرَف لَهُ بِالعَذلِ عِرضُ

6. How can I hope to cure him with my reproach
When no pulse of generosity beats within him

٦. فَكَيفَ أَرومُ صِحَّتَهُ بِعَتبي
وَلَم يَخفِق لَهُ بِالجودِ نَبضُ