1. The lily has unfurled its banners
And said, all flowers are in my service
١. قَد نَشَرَ الزَنبَقُ أَعلامَهُ
وَقالَ كُلُّ الزَهرِ في خِدمَتي
2. Had I no sovereignty in beauty
My flag would not be raised above theirs
٢. لَو لَم أَكُن في الحُسنِ سُلطانَه
ما رُفِعَت مِن دونِهِم رايَتي
3. The rose then laughed at it mockingly
And said, why do you fear my might?
٣. فَقَهقَهَ الوَردُ بِهِ هازِئاً
وَقالَ ما تَحذَرُ مِن سَطوَتي
4. It said to the lily, what is this
That the old man says in my presence?
٤. وَقالَ لِلسَوسَنِ ماذا الَّذي
يَقولُهُ الأَشيَبُ في حَضرَتي
5. The lily was offended by its words
And said to the flowers, O my comrades
٥. وَاِمتَعَضَ الزَنبَقُ في قَولِهِ
وَقالَ لِلأَزهارِ يا عُصبَتي