
The full moon rises to banish night's gloom

أهلا ببدر دجى يسعى بشمس ضحى

1. The full moon rises to banish night's gloom
With the dawn's radiant light.

١. أَهلاً بِبَدرِ دُجىً يَسعى بِشَمسِ ضُحىً
بِنَورِهِ صِبغَةَ اللَيلِ البَهيمِ مَحا

2. Greetings to it as darkness retreats,
Folding its tent like a nomad moving on.

٢. حَيّا بِها وَالدُجى مُرخٍ غَدائِرَهُ
فَخِلتُ أَنَّ جَبينَ الصُبحِ قَد وَضَحا

3. When it shone, the dawn seemed revealed,
As though the cup-bearer filled his cup

٣. راحاً إِذا مَلَأَ الساقي بِها قَدَحاً
ظَنَنتَ جُذوَةَ نارٍ في الدُجى قَدَحا

4. With glowing embers in the dark.
Only its afterglow lingered, appearing to us

٤. لَم يُبقِ طولُ المَدى إِلّا حُشاشَتَها
عَنَّت لَنا فَتَراءَت بَينَنا شَبَحا

5. Like a specter in broad daylight.
The big bellied boozer chases it

٥. يَسعى بِها ثَمِلُ الأَعطافِ يُرجِعُها
سَكرَى بِأَلفاظِهِ إِن جَدَّ أَو مَزَحا

6. Talking tipsily whether joking or serious.
His face shines for us in the night's darkness

٦. يَجلو لَنا وَجهُهُ في اللَيلِ مُغتَبِقاً
بِها فَيُحسَبُ بِالآلاءِ مُصطَبِحَا

7. His bounty making him seem day-lit.
I blamed him as the wings of the eagle folded

٧. نادَمتُهُ وَجَناحُ النِسرِ مُنقَبِضٌ
عَنِ المَطارِ وَجِنحُ اللَيلِ قَد جَنَحا

8. And night drew in its wings.
He collapsed as the booze overpowered him,

٨. حَتّى اِنثَنى وَالكَرى يَهوي بِجانِبِهِ
إِلى الوِسادِ فَإِن طارَحتَهُ اِنطَرَحا

9. Falling sideways onto the pillow.
If you pushed him over, he'd topple.

٩. وَظَلَّ مِن فَرطِ جِرمِ الكَأسِ مُنقَبِضاً
عَنِ المَطارِ وَجِنحُ اللَيلِ قَد جَنَحا

10. He stayed hunched over from the sin of the cup
As night folded its wings.

١٠. يَضُمُّهُ وَالكَرى يُرخي أَنامِلَهُ
فَكُلَّما أَوثَقتَهُ كَفُّهُ سَرَحا

11. It held him as the booze loosened his fingers
So the tighter it gripped, the looser they became.

١١. حَتّى رَأَيتُ مِياهَ اللَيلِ غائِرَةً
في غَربِها وَغَديرَ الصُبحِ قَد طَفَحا

I saw night's waters receding

١٢. وَلِلشُعاعِ عَلى ذَيلِ الظَلامِ دَمٌ
كَأَنَّ طِفلَ الدُجى في حِجرِهِ ذُبِحا

13. As dawn's pool overflowed.
The rays shed blood on the tail of darkness

١٣. وَقامَ يَهتِفُ مِن فَوقِ الجِدارِ بِنا
مُتَوَّجَ الرَأسِ بِالظَلماءِ مُتَّشِحا

14. As though night's babe was slaughtered in its crib.
It stood and hailed us from atop the wall,

١٤. كَأَنَّهُ شامَتٌ بِاللَيلِ عَن خَنَقٍ
فَكُلَّما صَدَعَ الصُبحُ الدُجى صَدَحا

15. Crowned with darkness, robed in black,
As though it gloated over night's strangling.

١٥. نَبَّهتُهُ وَالكَرى يَثني مَعاطِفَهُ
وَنَشوَةُ الراحِ تَلوي جيدَهُ مَرَحا

16. Whenever dawn cracked the dark, it clamored.

١٦. فَهَبَّ لي وَحُمَيّا النَومِ تَصرَعُهُ
وَالشُكرُ يُطبِقُ مِن جَفنَيهِ ما فَتَحا

17. I woke him as the booze doubled him over,
The morning breeze disheveling his hair.

١٧. جَشَّمتُهُ وَهوَ يَثني جيدَهُ مَلَلاً
كَأساً إِذا بَسَمَت في وَجهِهِ كَلَحا

18. He jumped up as drowsiness felled him
And bleary eyes closed whatever they opened.

١٨. يُلقي سَناها عَلى تَقطيبِ حاجِبِهِ
أَشِعَّةً فَيُرينا قَوسَهُ قُزَحا

19. I berated him as he bent his neck wearily,
When the cup smiled in his face, it dazzled.

١٩. فَظَلَّ يَنزو وَريحَ الراحِ مُمتَعِضاً
وَيَستَشيطُ إِذا عاطَيتَهُ قَدَحا

20. It cast its spears upon his frowning brow,
Beams that showed us its rainbow.

٢٠. حَتّى إِذا حَلَّتِ الكَأسُ النَشاطَ لَهُ
أَتبَعتُهُ بِثَلاثٍ تَبعَثُ الفَرَحا

He went on peevishly as the morning wind blew,

٢١. وَنِلتُ مِن فَضلِها ما كانَ أَسأَرَهُ
بِقَعرِها مِن رُضابٍ نَشرُهُ نَفَحا

22. Getting angry if you handed him a cup.
But when the cup brought ease,

٢٢. ريقاً لَوِ اِستاقَهُ الصاحي لَمالَ بِهِ
سُكراً وَلَو رَشَفَ السَكرانُ مِنهُ صَحا

23. I followed with three more to kindle joy.
From the dregs I got such pleasure

٢٣. فَقالَ لي وَغَوادي الدَمَعِ تَسبُقُني
مِنَ السُرورِ وَقَد يَبكي إِذا طَفَحا

24. As it had hoarded in its depths, diffusing fragrance.
The sober would get drunk on a sip

٢٤. قَد كُنتَ تَشكو فَسادَ العَيشِ مُعتَدِياً
أَنّي وَقَد طابَ بِاللَذّاتِ وَاِنفَسَحا

25. And the drunk would sober with a taste.
With tears outpacing joy, he said to me,

٢٥. فَقُلتُ قَد كانَ صَرفُ الدَهرِ أَفسَدَهُ
لَكِنَّهُ بِالمَليكِ الصالِحِ اِنصَلَحا

26. "Though joyful, you used to moan life's woes,
But time's rotation had corrupted it

٢٦. مَلِكٌ إِذا ظَلَّ فِكرِيَ في مَدائِحِهِ
أَمسَت تُعَلِّمُنا أَوصافُهُ المِدَحا

27. Until this righteous king made all things right."
When my thoughts dwell upon praising him,

٢٧. فَضلٌ يَكادُ يُعيدُ الحُرسَ ناطَقَةً
تَتلو الثَناءَ وَلَفظٌ يُخرِسُ الفُصَحا

28. His qualities teach me to eulogize.
His excellence can make the mute speak praise

٢٨. وَطَلعَةٌ كَجَبينِ الشَمسِ لَو لَمَعَت
يَوماً لِمُغتَبِقٍ بِالراحِ لَاِصطَبَحا

29. And render the eloquent speechless.
His visage is like the radiant sun -

٢٩. وُجودُها كَهِلالِ الفِطرِ مُلتَمَحاً
وَجودُها كَاِنهِلالِ القَطرِ مُنفَسِحا

30. If it shone one day for a lovesick man, he'd recover.

٣٠. يُخفي مَكارِمَهُ وَالجودُ يُظهِرُها
وَكَيفَ يَخفى أَريجُ المِسكِ إِذ نَفَحا

31. His generosity reveals itself like the crescent moon of break fast
Or the rain clouds bursting with showers.

٣١. يَكادُ يَعقُمُ فِكري إِذ أُفارِقُهُ
عَنِ المَديحِ وَإِن وافَيتُهُ لَقِحا

32. He hides his virtues but generosity reveals them,
For how can the fragrance of musk be concealed when it diffuses?

٣٢. فَما أَرَتنا اللَيالِيَ دونَهُ مِحَناً
إِلّا سَخا فَأَرَتنا كَفُّهُ مِنَحا

33. It nearly sterilizes my mind when I stop
Eulogizing him, though when I meet him, he inspires.

٣٣. ثَبتُ الجَنانِ مَريرُ الرَأيِ صائِبُهُ
إِذا تَقاعَسَ صَرفُ الدَهرِ أَو جَمَحا

The nights showed us no affliction without him

٣٤. لا يَستَشيرُ سِوى نَفسٍ مُؤَيَّدَةٍ
مَن أَخطَأَ الرَأيَ لا يَستَذنِبُ النُصَحا

35. Except barrenness - but his palm showed bounty.
He of wise counsel and resolute mind,

٣٥. وَلا يُقَلِّدُ إِلّا ما تَقَلَّدَهُ
مِن حَدِّ عَضبٍ إِذا شاوَرتَهُ نَصَحا

36. prompt when fate falters or stumbles.
He consults only his able self,

٣٦. وَلا يُذيلُ عَليهِ غَيرَ سابِغَةٍ
كَأَنَّما البَرقُ مِن ضَحضاحِها لُمِحا

37. Whoever errs in counsel seeks no reproof.
He follows only what his anger has girded,

٣٧. مَسرودَةٍ مِثلِ جِلدِ الصِلِّ لَو نُصِبَت
قامَت وَلو صُبَّ فيها الماءُ ما نَضَحا

38. When you advise him sincerely.
He wears no mantle but an ample one,

٣٨. غَصَّت عُيونُ الرَدى وَالسَوءُ عَن مَلِكٍ
طَرفُ الزَمانِ إِلى عَليائِهِ طَمَحا

39. As though lightning flashed from its gleam.
Smooth as lizard skin - if stood up

٣٩. ما ضَرَّ مَن ظَلَّ في أَفناءِ مَنزِلِهِ
إِن أَغلَقَ الدَهرُ بابَ الرِزقِ أَو فَتَحا

40. It would stay upright, and water would not seep through.
The eyes of malice and evil are shut to a king

٤٠. يَوَدُّ باغي النَدى لَو نالَ بُلغَتَهُ
حَتّى إِذا حَلَّ في أَفنائِهِ اِقتَرَحا

41. Whose fortunes aspire to his loftiness.
Whoever takes shelter in his mansion

٤١. لَمّا رَأى المالَ لا تَلوي عَلَيهِ يَدي
أَولانِيَ الوُدَّ إِذ أَولَيتُهُ المِدَحا

42. Is unharmed if fate shuts or opens the door of provision.
The wine-lover wishes he could attain his wine-pouring grace,

٤٢. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ المَحسودُ آمِلُهُ
وَالمُجتَدى جودُ عافيهِ لِما مُنِحا

43. Once settled in his hospitality, immersed in his care.
When he saw no hands extend over his wealth,

٤٣. لَوِ اِدَّعَت جودَكَ الأَفواهُ لَاِتُّهِمَت
وَلَو تَعاطاهُ لُجُّ البَحرِ لَاِفتَضَحا

44. He favored me with affection as I favored him with praise.
O envied king, my hopeful desire

٤٤. حُزتَ العُلى فَدَعاكَ الناسُ سَيِّدَهُمُ
وَالكَأسُ لَولا الحُمَيّا سُمِّيَت قَدَحا

45. And object of aspiration - may bounty prolong his well-being!
If mouths claimed your generosity, they would be accused of lies,

٤٥. في وَصفِنا لَكَ بِالإِنعامِ سَوءُ ثَناً
وَالغَيثُ يُنقِصُهُ إِن قيلَ قَد سَمَحا

46. If the sea's gullet tried to swallow it, it would burst.

٤٦. يا باذِلاً مِن كُنوزِ المالِ ما ذَخَروا
وَقابِضاً مِن صُيودِ الشُكرِ ما سَنَحا

47. You've attained the heights so people call you master,
Else the cup were not named for the wine.

٤٧. وَمُلبِسي النَعَمَ اللاتي يُباعِدُني
عَنها الحَياءُ فَلا أَنفَكُّ مُنتَزِحا

48. In describing your benefaction, our praise falls short,
As rain they say is less than it has poured.

٤٨. لَئِن خَصَصتُكَ في عيدٍ بِتَهنِئَةٍ
فَما أَجَدتُ وَلا عُذري بِهِ وَضَحا

49. O you who expend treasures they hoarded
And seize gratitude they neglected!

٤٩. العيدُ نَذكُرُهُ في العامِ واحِدَةً
وَجودُ كَفِّكَ عيدٌ قَطَّ ما بَرِحا

50. Who clothe me in blessings that make me shyly withdraw
Ceaselessly embarrassed.

٥٠. لَكِن أُهِنّي بِكَ الدينَ الحَنيفَ فَقَد
أَتَيتَ لِلدينِ مَخلوقاً كَما اِقتَرَحا

51. If I distinguished you alone for holiday greetings,
I could find no excuse to justify it.

٥١. فَاِسلَم فَما ضَرَّني ما دامَ جودُكَ لي
سِواكَ إِن مَنَعَ الإِحسانَ أَو مَنَحا