
O breeze whose name was slandered by the wolf

يا سمي الذي به اتهم الذئ

1. O breeze whose name was slandered by the wolf
And revealed to the king the secret

١. يا سَمِيَّ الَّذي بِهِ اِتُّهِمَ الذِئ
بُ وَأَفضى إِلَيهِ مُلكُ العَزيزِ

2. Had you come with your breeze you would not leave
Peerless in his beauty and fragrance

٢. لَو تَقَدَّمتَ مَع سَمِيِّكَ لَم يُم
سِ فَريداً في حُسنِهِ المَنبوزِ

3. You would take double his beauty and excel
Over him in every precious quality

٣. حُزتَ أَضعافَ حُسنِهِ وَتَمَيَّز
تَ عَليهِ بِكُلِّ مَعنىً مَحوزِ

4. You are free silk, never bought
With silver coins or foreign linen

٤. أَنتَ حُرُّ الأَديمِ لَم تُشرَ في الرِق
قِ بِنَزرِ اللُجَينِ وَالإِبريزِ

5. Lovers wish you could be bought
With precious souls and treasures

٥. تَتَمَنّى العُشّاقُ لَو كُنتَ تُشرى
بِنُفوسٍ نَفيسَةٍ وَكُنوزِ

6. No, but the one who adorned your cheek with beauty
And adorned eyes with eyeliner

٦. لا وَمَن زانَ وَردَ خَدِّكَ بِالخا
لِ وَزانَ العُيونَ بِالتَلويزِ

7. I have not changed from loving you or ceased
Except from that precious beauty

٧. ما تَغَيَّرتُ عَن هَواكَ ولا رُم
تُ سِوى ذَلِكَ الجَمالِ العَزيزِ

8. Whenever the breeze shakes you, longing shakes me
To hold your swaying slender waist

٨. كُلَّما هَزَّكَ الصِبا هَزَّني الشَو
قُ إِلى ضَمِّ قَدِّكَ المَهزوزِ

9. Except I refused agony over passion
In a state that makes me heedless of discernment

٩. غَيرَ أَنّي أَبيتُ نَصباً عَلى الهَم
مِ بِحالٍ يُغني عَنِ التَمييزِ

10. I avoid enemies if I mention you
So I allude to your mysterious name

١٠. أَتَوَقّى الأَعداءَ إِن رُمتُ ذِكرا
كَ فَأَكني عَنِ اِسمِكَ المَرموزِ

11. And converse in every subtle meaning
And converse in every concise word

١١. فَأُناجي بِكُلِّ مَعنىً دَقيقٍ
وَأُناجي بِكُلِّ لَفظٍ وَجيزِ