1. What does the jurist say of a slave
To a beloved who was not pleased with his emancipation
١. ما يَقولُ الفَقيهُ في عَبدِ رِقِّ
لِحَبيبٍ لَم يَرضَ مِنهُ بِعَتقِ
2. He visited him fasting one day after a long estrangement
He found him beautiful after distance and ardor
٢. زارَهُ في الصِيامِ يَوماً وَأَولا
هُ جَميلاً مِن بَعدِ بُعدٍ وَسُحقِ
3. Is there any sin in kissing him
If he secretly harbors a sincere love
٣. هَل عَلَيهِ في لَثمِ فيهِ جُناحٌ
إِن غَدا مُضمِراً مَحَبَّةَ صِدقِ