
The glances of eyes that do not forgive,

صفاح عيون لحظها ليس يصفح

1. The glances of eyes that do not forgive,
And the pride of eyelids that wound the passions,

١. صِفاحُ عُيونٍ لَحظُها لَيسَ يَصفَحُ
وَنَبلُ جُفونٍ لِلجَوارِحِ تَجرَحُ

2. And the water of shyness that does not cleanse foulness,
And the fire of cheeks that inflames the desires,

٢. وَماءُ حَياءٍ لَيسَ يَنقَعُ غُلَّةً
وَنارُ خُدودٍ لِلجَوانِحِ تَلفَحُ

3. And the sight of beauty whose crescent is drawn,
To the heart it is sweeter and to the eye it is more tempting,

٣. وَمَنظَرُ حُسنٍ في سَنا البَدرِ رَسمُهُ
إِلى القَلبِ أَحلى وَهوَ في العَينِ أَملَحُ

4. And the essence of a mouth that saddens the heart with its touch,
Though they claimed that jewels bring joy,

٤. وَجَوهَرُ ثَغرٍ يُحزِنُ القَلبَ لَمحُهُ
وَقَد زَعَموا أَنَّ الجَواهِرَ تُفرِحُ

5. By whom I have kissed the cheeks at dawn,
When my excuse for patience was very clear,

٥. وَصَلتٍ وَصَلتُ السُهدَ بِالجَفنِ عِندَما
غَدا وَهوَ مِن عُذري عَنِ الصَبرِ أَوضَحُ

6. Charms led straying passions towards them,
And the gazing heart continued to aspire,

٦. مَحاسِنُ قادَت نَحوَها شارِدَ الهَوى
وَظَلَّ إِلَيها ناظِرُ القَلبِ يَطمَحُ

7. If the aspects of beauty are biased,
Then patience in freedom is ugly indeed,

٧. إِذا ضَمَّ أَقسامَ الجَمالِ تَحَيِّزٌ
فَإِنَّ جَميلَ الصَبرِ بِالحُرِّ يَقبَحُ

8. So, glory to an agony that does not fade,
And a man whose eyes swim in tears,

٨. فَلِلَّهِ صَبٌّ لا يُبَلُّ غَلَيلُهُ
وَإِنسانُ عَينٍ بِالمَدامِعِ يَسبَحُ

9. And a soul that refused but contention towards youth,
Sloth overcame it and the course of gray hair accumulated,

٩. وَنَفسٌ أَبَت إِلّا نِزاعاً إِلى الصِبا
تَقاعَسَها وَخطُ المَشيبِ فَتَجمَحُ

10. The dove moans as if the dawn,
Were waking its heart when it rises,

١٠. وَأَشمَطُ مِن وُرقِ الحَمامِ كَأَنَّما
سَنا الصُبحِ يُصبي قَلبَهُ حينَ يُصبِحُ

11. It repeats its cooing melodiously,
So my heart cracks when it laments,

١١. يُرَجَّعُ تَكرارَ الهَديلِ مُغَرِّداً
فَيَصدَعُ قَلبي نَوحُهُ حينَ يَصدَحُ

12. That is only because songfulness is lost,
It hints sorrows at me so I confess,

١٢. وَما ذاكَ إِلّا أَن شَدَوتُ فَقَد غَدا
يُلَوِّحُ بِالأَحزانِ لي فَأُصَرِّحُ

13. And reminds me of an intimate friend now lost,
And its plaintive cry to me is incomprehensible,

١٣. وَيُذكِرُني الإِلفَ الَّذي هُوَ فاقِدٌ
وَيَعجِمُ شَكواهُ إِلَيَّ فَأُفصِحُ

14. Neither the distance of the home and its people,
Distressed me in my land, nor the loss of what my gaze discerned,

١٤. وَما ضَرَّني بُعدُ الدِيارِ وَأَهلِها
بِأَرضي وَفَقدُ الطَرفِ ما كانَ يَلمِحُ

15. My feet roamed in the meadows of the Tigris,
And my gaze in the meadows of Harzam,

١٥. وَرِجلايَ في أَفناءِ دِجلَةَ قَد سَعَت
وَطَرفِيَ في أَفناءِ حَرزَمَ يَسرَحُ

16. Abodes that I do not recall their downfall and bending,
And entering them did not grieve me to elucidate,

١٦. مَنازِلُ لَم أَذكُر بِها السِقطَ وَاللِوى
وَلَم يُصبِني عَنها الدُخولُ فَتوضِحُ

17. Nor did I rest my gaze in them,
So the eye and heart relax and expand,

١٧. وَلَم أَقرِ بِالمِقراةِ طَرفي بِمِثلِها
فَتَسرَحُ فيها العَينُ وَالصَدرُ يُشرَحُ

18. If I have left behind intimacy and companions,
Noble, to their heights honor inclines,

١٨. فَإِن أَكُ قَد فارَقتُ إِلفاً وَمَعشَراً
كِراماً إِلى عَلياهُمُ العِزُّ يَجنَحُ

19. So patience for what the hand of fate has corrupted,
Perhaps He will fix it with the righteous King,

١٩. فَصَبراً لِما قَد أَفسَدَتهُ يَدُ النَوى
عَسى أَنَّهُ بِالصالِحِ المَلكِ يَصلُحُ

20. A King when I aimed to praise his glory,
His attributes teach me how to eulogize,

٢٠. مَليكٌ إِذا ما رُمتُ مَدحاً لِمَجدِهِ
تُعَلِّمُني أَوصافُهُ كَيفَ أَمدَحُ

21. In valor and munificence he has a pure soul,
More generous than a lion or rain showering,

٢١. لَهُ في الوَغى وَالجودِ نَفسٌ زَكِيَّةٌ
مِنَ اللَيثِ أَسطى أَو مِنَ الغَيثِ أَسمَحُ

22. His apology is narrower than a tailor's needle,
And his breast is more expansive than the flat earth,

٢٢. وَأَضيَقُ مِن سُمَّ الخِياطِ اِعتِذارُهُ
وَصَدرٌ مِنَ الأَرضِ البَسيطَةِ أَفسَحُ

23. By his hands distractions dissolve in an hour,
To a king between me and you reforming,

٢٣. تَحُلُّ بِكَفَّيهِ اللُهى عُمرَ ساعَةٍ
إلى مَلِكٍ بَيني وَبَينَكَ يُصلِحُ

24. Indeed, time had continued to grieve me for his absence,
And sadden my heart for what would bring me joy,

٢٤. لَقَد ظَلَّ يُصميني الزَمانُ لِبُعدِهِ
وَيُحزِنُ قَلبي مِنهُ ما كانَ يُفرِحُ

25. So I said to the course of fate, here I am traveling,
And the gates of forgiveness close and open,

٢٥. فَقُلتُ لِصَرفِ الدَهرِ ها أَنا راحِلٌ
وَتُغلَقُ أَبوابُ السَماحِ فَيَفتَحُ

26. To a king who outshines kings and emerges,
And the gates of forgiveness close and open,

٢٦. إِلى مَلِكٍ يُخفي المُلوكَ فَيَجتَلي
وَتُغلَقُ أَبوابُ السَماحِ فَيُفتَحُ

27. To a king whose spring of generosity is not,
Troubled, nor is the pasture of forgiveness screaming,

٢٧. إِلى مَلِكٍ لا مَورِدُ الجودِ عِندَهُ
أُجاجٌ وَلا مَرعى السَماحِ مُصَوِّحُ

28. To a king who meets praise with the like,
And bestows graciously after praise and forgives,

٢٨. إِلى مَلِكٍ يَلقى الثَناءَ بِمِثلِهِ
وَيُنعِمُ مِن بَعدِ الثَناءِ وَيَسمَحُ

29. To a king who still addresses praise,
And increased until he almost praises praise,

٢٩. إِلى مالِكٍ لا زالَ لِلمَدحِ خاطِباً
وَزادَ إِلى أَن كادَ لِلمَدحِ يَمدَحُ

30. To a king whose eulogy poetry has wasted,
So the eulogists have become rugged and tattered,

٣٠. إِلى مَلِكٍ أَفنى القَريضَ مَديحُهُ
فَقَد زَجَّلَ المُدّاحُ فيهِ وَوَشَّحوا

31. The nobles say when I visited his abode,
Gently, how much do you roam the land and toil?

٣١. تَقولُ لِيَ العَلياءُ إِذ زُرتُ رَبعَهُ
رُوَيدَكَ كَم في الأَرضِ تَسعى وَتَكدَحُ

32. If you will be content to be counted as a merchant,
Come, for the merchant of praise profits,

٣٢. إِذا كُنتَ تَرضى أَن تُعَدَّ بِتاجِرٍ
هَلُمَّ فَفيهِ تاجِرُ المَدحِ يَربَحُ

33. So I produced from my thoughts every ornate ode,
Adorning its rhythms the polished ingenious,

٣٣. فَأَنتَجتُ مِن فِكري لَهُ كُلَّ كاعِبٍ
يُزَيِّنُ عِطفَيها البَديعُ المُنَقَّحُ

34. And immortalized my poetry in anthologies, for I see,
Poetry’s worth ascends when it wounds,

٣٤. وَخَلَّدتُ شِعري في الطُروسِ لِأَنَّني
أَرى الشِعرَ يَعلو قَدرُهُ حينَ يَقرَحُ

35. So O king whose clemency has made people covetous,
For how much they hope so he pardons and overlooks,

٣٥. فَيا مَلِكاً قَد أَطمَعَ الناسَ حِلمُهُ
لِكَثرَةِ ما تَهفو فَيَعفو وَيَصفَحُ

36. Thwart the scheme of one not commanded the contrary,
And remind him of the fire he persisted in igniting,

٣٦. أَعِد غَيرَ مَأمورٍ عَلى الضِدِّ كَيدَهُ
وَاَذكِ لَهُ النارَ الَّتي باتَ يَقدَحُ

37. For the enemies are certain you are compassionate,
So they dared reprehensible acts of treachery and insolence,

٣٧. فَقَد أَيقَنَ الأَعداءُ أَنَّكَ راحِمٌ
فَباهَوا بِأَفعالِ الخَناءِ وَثُجِّحوا

38. If you do good their evil is weakened,
And every vessel oozes what is inside it,

٣٨. إِذا ما فَعَلتَ الخَيرَ ضوعِفَ شَرُّهُم
وَكُلُّ إِناءٍ بِالَّذي فيهِ يَنضَحُ

39. Had they followed the word of God and His command,
They would have said: reconciliation is best for people,

٣٩. وَلَو تابَعوا قَولَ الإِلَهِ وَأَمرَهُ
لَقالوا بِأَنَّ الصُلحَ لِلخَلقِ أَصلَحُ

40. Be gentle in the feast of immolation and sacrifice animosity,
For your generosity is an eternal feast for all,

٤٠. تَهَنَّ بِعيدِ النَحرِ وَاِنحَر مِنَ العِدى
فَجودُكَ عيدٌ لِلوَرى لَيسَ يَبرَحُ

41. Sacrifice the likes of them and you have never ceased,
While without your aid the ritual slaughters are performed,

٤١. وَضَحِّ بِهِم لا زِلتَ تَنحَرُ مِثلَهُم
وَمِن دونِ مَغناكَ العَقايرُ تُذبَحُ