
A gathering of pleasure as the night falls

ومجلس لذة أمسى دجاه

1. A gathering of pleasure as the night falls
It shines as if it were a bright dawn

١. وَمَجلِسِ لَذَّةٍ أَمسى دُجاهُ
يُضيءُ كَأَنَّهُ صُبحٌ مُنيرُ

2. Filled with wine, relaxation,
Strings, boys and maidens

٢. تَجَمَّعَ فيهِ مَشمومٌ وَراحٌ
وَأَوتارٌ وَوِلدانٌ وَحورُ

3. The senses delight in the touching
Of five through which joy is made complete

٣. تَلَذَّذَتِ الحَواسُ اللَمسُ فيهِ
بِخَمسٍ يَستَتِمُّ بِها السُرورُ

4. For touch, embraces were its share
And for taste, circulating cups

٤. فَكانَ الضَمَّ قِسمَ اللَمسِ فيهِ
وَقِسمُ الذَوقِ كاساتٍ تَدورُ

5. For hearing, songs and melodies
For our eyes, the incense smoke

٥. وَلِلسَمعِ الأَغاني وَالغَواني
لِأَعيُنِنا وَلِلشَمِّ البَخورُ