1. A valley where souls get drunk
And the spirits of the breeze flutter
١. وَوادٍ تَسكَرُ الأَرواحُ فيهِ
وَتَخفِقُ فيهِ أَرواحُ النَسيمِ
2. Birds have sung in it
Words that cure the suffering of the afflicted
٢. بِهِ الأَطيارُ قَد قالَت وَقالَت
كَلاماً شافِياً داءَ الكَليمِ
3. Waters cascade in its creeks
Their flow like leather strips
٣. تَسَلسَلُ في خَمائِلِهِ مِياهٌ
يُقَدُّ أَديمُها قَدَّ الأَديمِ
4. Meadows that gladden hearts
As if their springs were the hands of the generous
٤. مُروجٌ لِلقُلوبِ بِها اِمتِزاجٌ
كَأَنَّ عُيونَها أَيدي الكَريمِ
5. It has the softness of velvet when it grows green
And the delicacy of the appearance of smooth velvet
٥. لَها أَرَجُ اللَطيمَةِ حينَ يَنشا
وَرِقَّةُ مَنظَرِ الحَدِّ اللَطيمِ
6. With light that makes light unnecessary
And the blossom of a star instead of other stars
٦. بِنَوّارٍ عَنِ الأَنوارِ يُغني
وَزَهرِ النَجمِ عَن زُهرِ النُجومِ
7. We came down in it with burning livers
So it saved us from great suffering
٧. نَزَلنا فيهِ وَالأَكبادُ حَرّى
فَنَجّانا مِنَ الكَربِ العَظيمِ
8. Its shade refreshed the spirit of wishes
And its coolness quenched the breath of poisons
٨. فَرَوَّحَ ظِلُّهُ روحَ الأَماني
وَأَخمَدَ بَردُهُ نَفسَ السَمومِ
9. It breathed when I breathed out my troubles
And relieved when it relieved my worries
٩. وَنَفَّسَ إِذ تَنَفَّسَ مِن كُروبي
وَفَرَّجَ حينَ أَرَّجَ مِن هُمومي
10. We laid out carpets of flowers
Shaded by the curtains of clouds
١٠. وَأَفرَشنا مِنَ الأَزهارِ بُسطاً
مُسَردَقَةً بِأَستارِ الغُيومِ
11. We gathered for the ears in its valleys
The cooing of doves and the murmur of marshes
١١. جَمَعنا لِلمَسامِعِ في ذَراهُ
هَديلَ حَمائِمٍ وَهَديرِ كومِ
12. And in it we spent a day in play
In it the bleak days of fate became generous
١٢. وَقَضَينا بِهِ بِاللَهوِ يَوماً
بِهِ سَمَحَت حَشا الدَهرِ العَقيمِ