1. The faces of the earth's gardens smiled
And the eyes of the proud narcissi grew languid
١. ضَحِكَت ثُغورُ حَدائِقِ الأَرضِ
فَسَهَت عُيونُ النَرجِسِ الغَضِّ
2. Spring struck its tents there
And the steeds of the clouds raced by
٢. ضَرَبَ الرَبيعُ بِها مَضارِبَهُ
وَجَرَت جِيادُ السُحبِ في الرَكضِ
3. The fragrance of spring was lost, so no
Excuse remains for pleasures after rising
٣. ضاعَ العَبيرُ مِنَ الرَبيعِ فَما
عُذرٌ إِلى اللَذّاتِ مِن نَهضِ
4. You wasted some of your life busy
Why then didn't you compensate living with some
٤. ضَيَّعتَ بَعضَ العُمرِ مُشتَغِلاً
أَفَلا خَلَفتَ العَيشَ بِالبَعضِ
5. Pour generously and give us wine
Wherein we regain some of the days
٥. ضَع مِنَّةً وَاُجلُ المُدامَ لَنا
فيها مِنَ الأَيّامِ نَستَقضي
6. With it, the cheek of joy was stained
So I was certain time lies clenched
٦. ضَرَّج بِها خَدَّ السُرورِ فَقَد
أَيقَنتُ أَنَّ الدَهرَ في قَبضِ
7. The wine goblet laughed with it though it was angered
At the drinkers, with its rage it is satisfied
٧. ضَحِكَ الحَبابُ بِها وَقَد غَضِبَت
لِلشارِبينَ بِسُخطِها تُرضي
8. It clamored at the falling of water and was turbulent
Without pain or effort
٨. ضَجَّت لِوَقعِ الماءِ وَاِضطَرَبَت
مِن غَيرِ إِيلامٍ وَلا مَضِّ
9. He lost the treasures of the kingdom, so leave us
At ease going to its comforts
٩. ضَيَّع كُنوزَ المُلكِ وَاِبقِ لَنا
راحاً إِلى راحاتِها تُفضي
10. Guarantee us the youth and spring, provisions of wine
I sip and reject all else
١٠. ضَمِنَ الشَبيبَةِ وَالرَبيعِ حَلا
رَشفي الطَلا وَلِغَيرِها رَفضي
11. Time shone with a radiance from the sky
Gleaming in a robe beyond wrinkling
١١. ضاءَ الزَمانُ إِضاءَةً بِسَما
يَزهو بِثَوبٍ غَيرِ مُرفَضِّ
12. A category of lights joyfully shining
Between twinkling and dimming
١٢. ضَربٌ مِنَ الأَنوارِ مُبتَهِجٌ
ما بَينَ مَزرورٍ وَمُنفَضِّ
13. The banks of the gardens and what damage was caused them
By the lightning's broken promise of flashing
١٣. ضَفَتِ الرِياضُ وَما أَضَرَّ بِها
إِخلافُ وَعدِ البَرقِ في الوَمضِ
14. The clouds hoarded their water, so they irrigated
The palms of the land their ripening fruits
١٤. ضَنَّ السَحابُ بِمائِهِ فَرَوَت
كَفُّ اِبنِ أُرتُقَ غُلَّةَ الأَرضِ
15. Hitting the resolute zealots and one
Who pleased fate with his agreeable nature
١٥. ضَرّابُ هاماتِ الكُماةِ وَمَن
راضَ الزَمانَ بِخُلقِهِ المَرضي
16. A fearless hero, an unwavering star
Matching the clouds in his open-handedness
١٦. ضِرغامُ بَأسٍ غَيرُ مُحتَجِبٍ
خَوفاً وَنَجمٌ غَيرُ مُنقَضِّ
17. The generosity of his hands guaranteed us
The goodness of the land with his pure generosity
١٧. ضاهى السَحائِبَ مِنهُ جودُ يَدٍ
مُعتادَةٍ بِالبَسطِ وَالقَبضِ
18. A hyena for the religion of God since
Islam rose securely above being lowered
١٨. ضَمِنَت سَماحَةُ راحَتَيهِ لَنا
بِرَّ البِلادِ بِجودِهِ المَحضِ
19. The affairs of Muslims are controlled by him
Controlled by him, secured from nullification
١٩. ضَبعٌ لِدينِ اللَهِ مُنذُ عَلا ال
إِسلامُ آمِنَةٌ مِنَ الخَفضِ
20. Great is his munificence, his generosity lavish
He gathered the plains, pure white in breadth
٢٠. ضُبِطَت أُمورُ المُسلِمينَ بِهِ
ضَبطاً بِهِ أَمِنَت مِنَ النَقضِ
21. Harmful to the enemies and beneficial to one with purpose
Each sees him as obligatory
٢١. ضَخمُ الدَسيعَةِ جودُهُ غَدِقٌ
أَحوى المَرابِعِ أَبيَضُ العِرضِ
22. The awe and sharpness of his sword guaranteed
The power of the guardian and abasement of the hostile
٢٢. ضُرُّ العُداةِ وَنَفعُ قاصِدِهِ
كُلٌّ يَراهُ عَلَيهِ كَالفَرضِ
23. Two opposites, one who rewards good and one
Who forever destroys his enemies
٢٣. ضَمِنَ اليَراعُ وَحَدُّ صارِمِهِ
عِزَّ الوَلِيَّ وَذَلَّ ذي البُغضِ
24. The wakeful were delighted with a group, so he saw
His wakefulness sweeter than slumber
٢٤. ضِدّانِ ذا يولي الجَميلَ وَذا
أَبَداً بِحَتفِ عُداتِهِ يَقضي
25. The land of conquest was confined by his great army and resolve
In length and breadth
٢٥. ضَرَّ السُهادُ بِمَعشَرٍ فَرَأى
سُهادَهُ أَحلى مِنَ الغُمضِ
26. Lost is one who dared defy him
And by his will fate's decree runs its course
٢٦. ضاقَت بِجَحفَلِهِ وَعَزمَتِهِ
أَرضُ الفَلا في الطولِ وَالعَرضِ
27. Annoyed is one who resisted him when he saw
The arrow of destiny by his command set forth
٢٧. ضَلَّ الَّذي أَضحى يُطاوِلُهُ
وَبِإِصرِهِ يَجري القَضا المَقضي
28. I would be lost if I did not describe him in my eulogy
And toward him the urge of my muse leads
٢٨. ضَجِرَ الَّذي جاراهُ حينَ رَأى
سَهمَ القَضاءِ بِأَمرِهِ يَمضي
٢٩. ضَلَّيتُ إِن لَم أُصفِهِ مِدَحي
وَإِلَيهِ نِضوُ قَريحَتي أُنضي